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Experts on countries of origin by surname

Yadav, Aashish

Currently working as an Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, Centre for Public Interest Law at O.P. Jindal Global University in India. The Expert teaches courses on international law, human rights, and citizenship. Their work addresses issues of asylum, refugee status, nationality/citizenship, and statelessness. Their latest engagement has been in the case of R v Budlakoti (Superior Court of Ontario, Canada) where they provided a legal brief on Indian citizenship, immigration, and human rights law.

The Expert is a Visiting Professor at the Université Catholique de Lille where they teach a Master’s course on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and a guest lecturer at the University of Edinburgh where they teach a module on citizenship law in India. The Expert also serves on the Advisory Group of the organisation Nationality for All to form a regional alliance on nationality and statelessness.

Prior to this, they assisted Afghan refugees in New Delhi with the UNHCR asylum applications and worked with human rights organisations.

Occupation: Assistant Professor, O.P. Jindal Global University, India
Countries of expertise: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan

Yazici Yildiz , Ayse

The Expert is a Turkish lawyer with 20 years' experience in civil and criminal cases, conducting litigation and providing legal consultancy.

Occupation: Lawyer, Turkish law expert
Countries of expertise: Turkey