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Experts on countries of origin by surname

Jansz, Frederica

Expert Witness skilled in advising the courts on cases involving Sri Lankan, Pakistan and the Maldive Islands asylum seekers.

Occupation: Journalist and Editor.
Countries of expertise: Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka

Jenkins, Gareth

The Expert is an analyst and researcher based in Istanbul since 1989. His special areas of interest are leftist, Kurdish and Islamist movements and organizations, religious and ethnic minorities, rightist organizations, political Islam, human rights, security issues and civil-military relations.

Occupation: Political Analyst/Researcher
Countries of expertise: Turkey

Jourdan, Luca

The Expert (PhD) is Full Professor of Social and Political Anthropology at the University of Bologna. Member of the Italian Ethnological Mission in Equatorial Africa, since 2001 he has carried out a field research on youth and war, childhood crisis, informal economies and the frontier in North Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo). He is currently carrying on a research on Eritrean refugees in Kampala and on the conflict between central government and traditional kingdoms in Kasese district.

Occupation: Senior Professor
Countries of expertise: Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Uganda