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Fast-track deportation of foreign nationals declared unlawful

26 July 2010: The fast-track deportation of foreign nationals refused permission to remain in the UK has been declared unlawful by the High Court. A judge ruled that the Home Office policy meant people were being given "little or no notice" of removal and were deprived of access to justice.

To Mark Jennings - A Tribute

"Mark Jennings, who has died aged 49, will be remembered as a passionate civil and human rights campaigner and researcher, who fought for the freedom of UK residents imprisoned without trial by the Bush administration at Guantánamo Bay..." (Celia Jennings in the Guardian)

CHRISTOPHER EDGE MA LLB (1965-2007); Obituary

A conscientious student of human rights law, generous supporter of human rights organisations and exceptional voluntary editorial assistant to EIN. Died tragically, June 8th 2007.

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The EIN news section contains general news and updates on immigration, asylum or refugee issues. We cover issues in the UK or that are relevant to the UK.

UK border sign from GOV.UK

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