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ILPA and EIN Directory of Experts on Countries of Origin

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Anyone wishing to contact an expert should do so directly using the contact information contained in the Directory. EIN is unable to contact any experts on your behalf. The information in the Directory is intended for legal professionals. Experts are unable to answer queries from members of the public.

DISCLAIMER: ILPA and EIN are not in a position to verify the information received, or the qualifications or suitability of the experts in the Directory. They are therefore not in a position to adjudicate over complaints about the accuracy of the information and/or the suitability or conduct of experts listed in the directory. Other than reflecting the information received from the individuals concerned, ILPA and EIN make no representations whatsoever as to the experts listed in the directory and neither they nor anyone else who has taken any part in the preparation of this publication will be liable for its contents or any errors or omissions whether due to negligence or otherwise. It is the duty of those instructing or relying upon an expert to satisfy themselves that any person listed in this directory is an appropriate person to be instructed in any particular case. It is the responsibility of those engaging the expert to satisfy themselves that they understand and are comfortable with the expert’s terms of business.

If you are an expert and you would like to be included in the directory, please download and complete the application form below and return to

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Best Practice Guide for Experts

Report coverA Video Guide on 2024's New Requirements for Expert Evidence in the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)

Watch the video.

Barrister Adam Pipe explains the significant new requirements for expert evidence and expert reports in November 2024's Practice Direction of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal.

2013 Best Practice Guide for Country Evidence Experts in UK Immigration and Asylum Appeals

Download the PDF guide or read the guide online.

This Best Practice Guide provides advice for country evidence expert witnesses on how to write effective reports that meet the expert witness's obligations. The guide focuses on the role of the expert within the UK asylum and immigration system. It includes information on the formal responsibilities of the expert, some of the common dos and don'ts, and examples of structures, stock phrases, and necessary requirements (such as sentences which set out the expert's credentials and the expert's understanding of his or her role), points to consider when giving oral evidence, and a discussion about fees. The guide is written by Prof. Anthony Good and Dr. Tobias Kelly, two experienced country experts in asylum cases, based at the University of Edinburgh, with advice from asylum and immigration lawyers. It is not designed to provide a legal analysis of the role of experts, but rather a practical hands-on tool to aid the writing of effective and useful country evidence reports

About the Experts Directory

The ILPA and EIN Directory of Experts carries on the work of the original ILPA Directory of Experts (last published in printed form in 1997). The pressing need for a new edition was demonstrated by large number of queries on asylum related mailing lists and bulletin boards seeking details of experts on particular countries and issues. By publishing the Directory electronically, ILPA and EIN aim to keep experts' details up to date and respond quickly to demand for experts on new countries and issues.

Desk globe. Image credit: Kyle Glenn @ Unsplash

Expert evidence is of central importance in the determination of asylum and human rights cases and we are keen to promote best practice in this regard. The Best Practice Guide to Asylum and Human Rights Appeals devotes a large proportion of its text to guidance on expert evidence and how to choose a suitable expert.

This Directory of Experts does not purport to assess the experts itself, but by giving representatives access for the first time to detailed information from a wide variety of experts in a fully searchable database, we believe it will assist representatives in presenting high quality expert evidence appropriate to the demands of the individual case.


A fee of £60 including VAT per year is payable for inclusion in our online experts directory. Inclusion in the directory is free for experts who are subscribers to EIN. Our subscription rates can be found here.

It is not permissible for experts to use their listing in the Directory of Experts to suggest or imply any form of endorsement by or affiliation with EIN.