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Back in the spotlight: the detention of mentally ill asylum seekers

By Lois Williams, UK Human Rights Blog,
R (on the application of EH) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 2569 (Admin) 1 Crown Office Row's Robert Kellar was instructed for the Defendant in this case. He is not the writer of this post. The High Court has ruled that the failure to consider the continued…

Asylum credibility: timely new case from Strasbourg

By Colin Yeo, Free Movement,
In a case that in some ways exceptional but in many ways entirely ordinary, the UK Border Agency this week rejected an asylum claim by a young Afghan man. The reason the case was exceptional is that he had previously worked with the British armed forces and been horrendously injured in a…

Freedom of Religion - A significant new AG opinion?

By Ed Mynott,
In his opinion for the Court of Justice of the European Union (in Germany v Y and Z, C-71/11, C-99/11) Advocate General Bot has taken the view that the prohibitions in Pakistani law directed against the Ahmadiyya community are likely to constitute a serious infringement of the freedom of…

Getting Tough at Strasbourg?

By Richard,
The media have been much exercised with the way that 'foreign criminals', who are now liable to 'automatic' deportation, are able to invoke the European Convention on Human Rights in order, quite often, to prevent deportation from going ahead. It is actually six years since the 'foreign…

Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal - HJT's December Conference

By Mark Symes,
Judicial Review in the Upper Tribunal - HJT's December Conference HJT Training held a very successful session on the transfer of judicial reviews to the Upper Tribunal on 30 September 2011. Speakers included Deputy President of the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) Mark…

Transfer of judicial review

By Colin Yeo,
The HJT Training conference on transfer of some forms of judicial review into the Upper Tribunal was a sell out and the event was a great success. Mark Ockelton, Deputy President of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the Upper Tribunal, revealed a number of interesting points,…

Asylum Appeals to the Court of Appeal Radically Cut

By Mark Symes,
It is a dark day for asylum seekers and their ability to obtain lawful adjudications on their appeals on Refugee Convention grounds. Alive to the 77% increase in applications for permission to appeal in immigration cases since 2005, the majority of which were from reconsiderations by…

About the guest blog

  EIN's guest blog is intended as a platform where we gather together some of the best of immigration law blogging.

And it is a platform where you are welcome to post your opinions, commentary or analysis on immigration and asylum law.

Creating a blog post. Image credit: pixelcreatures @ Pixabay

Blogging on EIN is a way of ensuring your opinions are available to read on one of the UK's leading immigration law websites.


The EIN guest blog is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

Any views expressed in the EIN guest blog are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of EIN.

The publication of posts from, or links to, other organisations and companies on the EIN guest blog does not constitute an endorsement or approval by EIN of the organisation or company, nor their products or services.