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Another critique of the new Immigration Rules' codification of Article 8

By Rosalind English, UK Human Rights Blog,
Izuazu (Article 8 – new rules) Nigeria [2013] UKUT 00045 (IAC) The Upper Tribunal has concluded that new Immigration Rules do not adequately reflect the Secretary of State's obligations under Article 8 of the ECHR. This is the second determination of the "fit" between…

Court of Appeal grapples with Zambrano

By Colin Yeo, Free Movement,
The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Zambrano requires a lot of explaining. The process of seeking to understand its impact will continue for some time at an EU level and domestically. In Harrison (Jamaica) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA…

Deport first, appeal second

By Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog,
In a wide-ranging interview with the Sunday Telegraph, the Prime Minister has previewed a new 'deport first, appeal second' approach to deportation cases: … in specific response to the never-ending Abu Qatada case, and vexatious use of the European Convention on Human…

Book review: The role of lawyers in the battle for the rights of migrants

By Don Flynn, Migrants' Rights Network,
Migrant community organisations have often found it difficult to get a fair hearing from mainstream British civil society. Because of this the law has had to do a lot of the heavy lifting. In this important new account of the legal fight for migrant rights, Frances Webber explains why the…

A war on Judicial Review?

By Adam Wagner, UK Human Rights Blog,
The Prime Minister is to "get a grip" on people forcing unnecessary delays to Government policy by cracking down on the "massive growth industry" of Judicial Review. David Cameron told business leaders today: "When this country was at war in the 40s, Whitehall underwent a revolution.…

Translation of Singh v Belgium

By Colin Yeo, Free Movement,
After seeing the Strasbourg case of Singh v Belgium (33210/11) highlighted here on Free Movement, Balkrishna Gurung of Howe + Co Solicitors (with assistance from David Saldanha) has commissioned a translation and offered to share it with blog readers. Many thanks! The key paragraphs…

Last minute judicial reviews: warning

By Colin Yeo, Free Movement,
The President of the Queens Bench Division, Sir John Thomas, has issued a dire warning to solicitors applying for last minute judicial reviews and injunctions in immigration cases. The comments come in the case of R (on the application of Hamid) v Secretary of State for the Home…

How Zambrano has been incorporated into EEA Regulations

By Ed Mynott,
It is 20 months since the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its judgement in the case of Ruiz Zambrano. At the heart of that judgment was the principle that: "45...Article 20 TFEU [Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union] is to be interpreted as meaning that it…

Important new deportation cases

By Colin Yeo, Free Movement,
On Tuesday this week the Court of Appeal handed down two important new cases on deportation. The first is Mohan v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 1363 and concerns the interaction of family and immigration law. The second is R (on the application of George) v…

About the guest blog

  EIN's guest blog is intended as a platform where we gather together some of the best of immigration law blogging.

And it is a platform where you are welcome to post your opinions, commentary or analysis on immigration and asylum law.

Creating a blog post. Image credit: pixelcreatures @ Pixabay

Blogging on EIN is a way of ensuring your opinions are available to read on one of the UK's leading immigration law websites.


The EIN guest blog is provided for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

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