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Jonas Ecke

Dr. Ecke’s work has been informed by years of experiences conducting research for organizations in Africa, with extended stays of conducting qualitative research in African countries (Liberia, Ghana and South Sudan), the Middle East, the US and Europe. Given the breadth and depth of these experiences, he has gathered invaluable experiences in assessing the situation of forced migrants in their country of origin (post-return), as well as in host-countries in western countries and Africa. The professional experiences in areas of conflict (South Sudan and very briefly, Iraq) and Liberia, a post-conflict society, has given him an acute appreciation of the risks that displaced populations face. They have also compelled him to widely publish on conflict-dynamics in countries of origin. Dr. Ecke hopes to enhance understanding of conflicts and displacement to improve policies and address their underlying structural causes.

Jonas Ecke
Academic Lecturer and Humanitarian Aid professional and consultant

Risks and benefits of repatriations, risks due to war and human rights violations in the countries of origin, LGBTQI issues; gender-based violence/domestic violence; child soldiers; human trafficking; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution; forced conscription/refoulment; ex-combatant reintegration; risk of torture or political persecution; risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors; risk of retaliation; sufficiency of protection; healthcare access; health systems capacity; mental illness


My PhD research focuses on the post-return integration of refugee returnees in West Africa. I gathered data both during displacement (i.e., among Liberian refugees at the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana) and during post-return integration (i.e., in urban and rural areas of Liberia). My findings have been published in various academic and practitioner outlets.

I have also served as an Advisor for Refugee Integration at the University of Potsdam, Germany, and for the city of Berlin, focusing on strategies to integrate vulnerable populations, including migrants, into public spaces.

Given the breadth and depth of my experiences, I have developed invaluable expertise in assessing the situations of forced migrants both in their countries of origin (post-return) and in host countries across the Global North and Africa. My expertise is further complemented by extensive professional experience with international humanitarian aid organizations in crisis contexts across several African countries (e.g., CARE in Ghana and Togo, the Mentor Initiative in Liberia, and the Everyday Peace Indicators project in South Sudan) and the Middle East, particularly in Yemen, as well as briefly in Iraq and Turkey.

Since expanding my applied work to include healthcare, I have worked with clients such as the Canadian and U.S. governments, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Robert Koch Institute (Germany’s equivalent to the U.S. CDC). Through these roles, I gained insights into local perspectives on some of the most severe humanitarian crises in recent years, such as the Ebola outbreak in Liberia in 2014, shortly after the 2017 famine was declared over in South Sudan, and the ongoing crisis in Yemen. In this work, I have explored how those most affected by crises perceive long-term health challenges such as polio and malaria, as well as emerging ones like Ebola and COVID-19, to help tailor global healthcare programs to better fit local contexts.

My professional experiences in conflict zones such as South Sudan, Yemen, and Iraq, as well as in Liberia, a post-conflict society, have given me a deep understanding of the risks faced by displaced populations. These experiences have also inspired me to publish extensively on conflict dynamics, both in journalistic and academic outlets, focusing on countries of origin to galvanize ambitious humanitarian responses, inform better policies, and address the structural drivers of crises.



Upon request, the applicant will provide a complete portfolio containing all 51 outputs and publications.

Displacement and Mixed Migration within West Africa


Stankovic, S; J. Ecke; E. Wirtz (2021) “Forced Migration.” In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. M. Aldenderfer. Dezember.

Ecke, J., G. Saydee, J.W. Nyan, K. Donzo, M. Dolo, R. Richard (2016) The Subjective and Economic Well-Being of Repatriated Liberian Refugees from Ghana, Refugee Survey Quarterly, 35(03). 

Ecke, J. (2015) Continuity and Discontinuity: Cultural Change in a Refugee Camp in Ghana. PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 14(01). 

Ecke, J. and B. Wirtz (2014) Faith-Based Refugee Aid in Africa. Forced Migration Review, Volume 48. 

Ecke, J. (2013) Anthropology’s Relevance to the Study of Forced Migration. Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, 03(01). 


Consultant for the movie Left in Limbo (2021), financed by The Ford Foundation

(Accessed: May 30, 2024)

Expert Interview:

Spiegel Online (2011) Promovieren im Ausland: Suche Pferdemetzger, biete Know-how. December 15.…-

biete-know-how-a-803274-2.html (Accessed: August 31, 2019)

Global Health/Public Health

Projects for NGOs and Multilateral Institutions:

Ecke, J., M. Fallah, J. Kollie, T. Boima, H. Flumo, W. Gray, D. A.M.A. Collier (2024) Community-Engagement and Community-Based Surveillance for Polio Eradication in Africa. Seattle, USA: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (Accessed: April 15, 2024)

Creo, C., L. Hashmat, F. Kamel, J. Ecke, S. Kovacs, L.D. Alimas, A. Lomoro, S.R. Loboka, F.B. Semunigus, G. Storm, M.Z. Wadood, J. Webeck (2024) Community-based Surveillance Toolkit. World Health Organization, Rotary, US Center for Disease Control, UNICEF, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi: The Vaccinations Alliance. (Accessed: April 15, 2024)

Ecke, J. (2014) Ebola is real. One Campaign Deutschland, Berlin, Germany, October 13, (Accessed: September 14, 2029)

Beisel, U., J. Ecke (2024) Community Relationships in West Africa and Ebola. Medical Mission Institute Würzburg: Catholic Advisory Organization for International Health, Würzburg, Germany.… (Accessed: November 04, 2018) 

Scientific (Journal Articles, Dissertation, Conference Proceedings, Online Articles at Academic Institutes or Think Tanks):

Kim, E., Epstein, H., Ecke, J., Bardfield, J., Husseini, M., Kangbai, J. B., & Molchanova, E. (2024). Teaching Critical Reflection on Epistemic Injustice: The Case of a Collaborative International Public Health Course. Journal of College and Character, 25(3).

Ecke, J. (2022) On the Passing of Paul Farmer, a True Partner to the World’s Poor. Global Policy Journal, February 25. Durham, UK: Durham University School of Government and International Affairs. On the Passing of Paul Farmer, a True Partner to the World’s Poor | Global Policy Journal (Accessed: September 14, 2022)

Fallah, M., J. Ecke and S. Abramowitz (2022) It’s Time to Take Coronavirus in Africa Seriously. Global Health Now, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, February 21. It’s Time to Take Coronavirus in Africa Seriously | Global Health NOW (Accessed: 14. September, 2022)

Reprinted in the Global Policy Journal and CommonDreams

Ecke, J. (2015) “Ebola is Real“: Christliche Rhetorik und Wahrnehmungen des Dämonischen in Liberia. Blog of the working group Medical Anthropology at the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde. Medizinethnologie. February 27.… (Accesssed: September 14, 2018)

Giesbrecht DJ, Pontarollo J, Ecke J, Kamal S, Koko V, Hinneh L, Pratt O, Allan R. (2017) American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 97(5), 422‐ | Added to Central: April 30, 2018 | 2018 Number 4

Giesbrecht, D., J. Pontarollo, J. Ecke, K. Sajid, V. Koko, D.L. Hinneh, O. Pratt Oliver, B. Tuwoyer, A. Richard (2017) Novel active ingredient insecticidal wall lining for malaria control in Liberia: Results from a cluster randomized control trial. 2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology in Orlando, USA. Mentor Initiative: West Sussex, UK.… (Accessed: June 02, 2024)


Ecke, J. (2020) Ebola: Was wir von der Bekämpfung der Fieber-Epidemie für den Umgang mit Corona lernen können. Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten, April 12.… (Accessed: June 26, 2020)

Expert Interview:

OSUN (Open Society University Network OSUN) (2024) OSUN Faculty Publish Article on Epistemic Injustice in Global Development & Public Health, July 3.… (Accessed: October 27, 2024)

Social Work


Ecke, J. (2019) Die Parkläufer_innen in den Berliner Parks. Sozial Extra, 43.

Expert Interview:

Berliner Morgenpost (2024) Das sind die Probleme an Schlachtensee und Krumme Lanke, Berliner Morgenpost, June 26.… (Accessed: October 27, 2024)

Humanitarian Aid

Scientific (Think Tank):

Ecke, J. and M. Alhosain (2023) Will the Russian Intervention in Ukraine End Humanitarian Assistance for Syrians? Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Washington, D.C., USA, January 6.… (Accessed: January 23, 2022)


Ecke, J. and Mahmood Alhosain (2021) A Russia UN veto on aid for Syria’s Idlib would be deadly. Al Jazeera, June 22. (Accessed: October 27, 2021)

Translated into Bosnian: (Accessed: October 27, 2021

Ecke, J. (2020) The Worst Hunger Season Yet to Come: Global Moral Failure in the Time of Covid-19. Counterpunch, August 5.… (Accessed: February 23, 2021)

Ecke, J. (2019) The End of Humanitarianism? Counterpunch, August 15. (Accessed: August 31, 2019)

Expert Interviews:

Konrad Ardenauer Stiftung (2024) The Goodfolks - Communication between the Global North and South. Berlin, Deutschland. (Accessed: 5. Mai 2024)

TRT World (2019) Is the US using humanitarian aid to interfere in Venezuela? February 18.…

(Accessed: February 23, 2021)

Conflict Dynamics


Ecke, J. (2022) Shrouded in Secrecy: How US Engagement in Syria Worsens the Plight of Syrians. Global

Policy Journal, April 11.…-

engagement-syria-worsens-plight-syrians (Accessed: April 22, 2022) 

Ecke, J. (2020) Shrouded in Secrecy: International Relations according to Carson, Berman and Lake. Global Policy, 11.

Ecke, J. (2019) Im Süden nichts Neues: Die Rolle Deutschlands im Zeitalter der neuen Stellvertreterkriege. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 3/2019.

Ecke, J. (2019) Jeffrey Sachs, A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (2018), Markets, Globalization & Development Review. 04(04), Article 4. 

Ecke, J. (2019). Book Review – A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism by Jeffrey Sachs.

Global Policy Journal, published by the Durham University School of Government and

International Affairs (UK).…-

american-exceptionalism (Accessed: August 31, 2019)

Ecke, J. (2018) Book Review – War on Peace: The End of Diplomacy and the Decline of American Influence by Ronan Farrow. Global Policy Journal, published by the Durham University School of Government and International Affairs (UK).

peace-end-diplomacy-and-decline-american-influence (Accessed: November 4, 2018)

Ecke, Jonas (2017) Whatever happened to Peace? Arms, Oil and War by Proxy. Global Policy Journal, Opinion. Durham, UK: Durham University School of Government and International Affairs. Originally published on Opendemocracy.

Ecke, J. (2012) Manufacturing Consent in the Age of YouTube: The Case of Kony 2012. Aalborg University: The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, Volume 8.


Ecke, J, (2019). West gegen Ost: Deutschland im Zeitalter der neuen Stellvertreter-Kriege. Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten, February 2.

zeitalter-der-neuen-stellvertreterkriege/ (Accessed: August 31, 2019)

Expert Interviews:

Blätter Podcast and (2019) Es geht uns alle an! May 01. (Accessed: May 04, 2029)

Peace Direct (2017) Consultation on atrocity prevention and peacebuilding. (Accessed: September 20, 2023)



Ecke, J. (2024) Seli Makala. February 10. Kudus TV (Kurdish TV station in Turkey) (Accessed: November 19, 2024)

Ecke, J. (2024) Huthi-Attacken im Roten Meer Im Jemen droht dem Westen ein Scheitern mit Ansage. N-TV, February 8.… (Accessed: February 27, 2024)

Ecke, J. (2023) A Saudi-Led Coalition Has Laid Waste to Southern Yemen with US Support. Jacobin, December 20.… (Accessed: February 27, 2024)

Reposted by MSN News (the third most widely read new site according to Press Gazette):…

Ecke, J. (2023) The Countries That Helped Devastate Yemen Must Take Responsibility for Its Reconstruction. Jacobin, September 3. (Accessed: September 20, 2023)

Reposted on Znetwork, Progessive Hub, and MSN News:… (Accessed: September 20, 2023)

Expert Interviews:

N-TV (2024) Huthi-Sprecher: Deutsche Schiffe attackieren wir nicht. January 22.… (Accessed: February 27. 2024)

  • Citations from this article have been featured in eight German media outlets, including Münchener Merkur and Frankfurter Rundschau

RTL Nachtjournal (2024) Edition 21, January 21. Frpm 15:01. Video of appearance on German night television show are available unavailable upon request

Also also shown in the Vox Nachrichten evening program, edition 21, 21.01.2024

English (including Liberian English), German, French (intermediate)
Ethnic groups expertise
- Liberia: all ethnicities, including the Kru, Americo-Liberian people, Mandinka people, and Krahn people;

- South Sudan: Dinka and Nuer;

- Yemen: Arab Yemenis and Black Yemenis—referred to as 'Akhdam' (servants) or 'Muhammashin' (marginalized)—as well as Somali displaced people in Yemen.
Political groups expertise
- Engaged with the anti-Assad opposition in Syria, including working with displaced Syrians in Europe, and conducted brief assignments supporting Syrians in Iraq and Turkey;

- Worked with both opponents and supporters of former Liberian President George Weah.

- Yemen: Engaged with key stakeholders, including the Southern Transitional Council (an armed group supported by the United Arab Emirates), the internationally recognized government in Southern Yemen, and the Houthi movement.
Religious groups expertise
- Pentecostal Christians in West Africa, including the West African Mandinka people;

- Yemen: Shafi’i Sunni Muslims and adherents of Zaydism, a branch of Shia Islam.
Other social groups expertise
Homeless migrants and substance use in Germany
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