A new EIN Citation tool now appears at the top of all country reports and cases on EIN. It makes it very quick and easy to create a country information evidence schedule to comply with the new November 2024 Practice Direction of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal. This brief guide will show you how.
The new Practice Direction requires brevity in country information for Tribunal bundles. It states:
“10.6. Parties relying on material within country guidance decisions or additional country background information must include a country information evidence schedule ('the country schedule') within the bundle. The country schedule must:
(a) contain the country guidance paragraph references and/or extracts of additional country background information relied upon by reference to each disputed issue;
(b) not exceed 12 pages; and
(c) include the relevant hyper-link to the additional country background information source document.”
Written permission is required to rely upon a country schedule exceeding 12 pages.
You can use the EIN Citation tool to help easily create a concise country information evidence schedule.
When viewing a country report that you wish to copy excerpts from on EIN, click the Citation button and tick the checkbox to Add 'Excerpt from:' prefix when copying. Click the Copy citation button:
You can also click the Citation button on the left-hand side of the page, which appears between the Bundle and Print buttons. This will perform the same function, including automatically adding an 'Excerpt from:' prefix:
Switch to your word processor, such as Microsoft Word, and paste. The citation will show it is an excerpt and will contain the full details of the report, including the hyperlink to the source document on EIN:
You can now copy your required excerpts from the country report on EIN and paste underneath your citation. Repeat as necessary with other reports to build up your country schedule:
As this is a new requirement from the Tribunal, please send any suggestions for improvements to support@ein.org.uk.