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Md Solaiman Tushar

The Expert is a Barrister-at-Law of England and Wales. The Expert is a practicing Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He holds the position of Head of Chambers at "Justice for All', with nearly a decade's experience in legal practice. The expert regularly moves before the Supreme Court of Bangladesh for various matters including Writ (Judicial Review), Criminal and Civil Appeal and Revision, Bail Petition, Intellectual Property, Company Matter, Inheritance, Public Interest Litigation, Muslim Personal Law,  Succession Law,  Hindu Law, etc.

Parallel to his legal pursuits, the expert is the Legal Affairs and Political Editor of The Daily Campus and columnist. Accumulatively, he possesses over 18 years of sustained experience as a Journalist in Bangladesh, having written extensively on a broad range of issues, including human rights, the criminal justice system, politics, education, health, mental health, and international laws.

The Expert is an academic specialist in the politics and international relations of South Asia, & the Middle East with almost two decades of experience studying the region. The Expert has conducted research, advisory, and consultancy work in Bangladesh on the formal and informal justice systems, freedom of speech and other political rights, anti-corruption, violence against women, minority rights, Democracy, International Relations, Bureaucracy, International Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights, Personal Law,  Succession Law, Muslim Law, Muslim  Personal Law,  Hindu Law,  healthcare system and mental health issues,

The Expert has extensive experience living in and researching South Asia & Middle East, with a particular focus on political Islam, Islamist movements, constitutional law & judiciary systems, abuse of power, extra judiciary killings, human rights violation, political & LGBT persecution, secularism, inhuman treatment and torture, Healthcare System, Mental Health Issues, risk of bloggers, Rohingya refugee crisis, intra-regional dynamics and state-society relations under authoritarianism.  The Expert is fluent in written and spoken English & Bengali.

The Expert has close connections with Journalists, and human rights activists in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Yemen.

The Expert visited the United Kingdom, India Nepal, and Bhutan for educational and journalism purposes and has gathered experience in human rights situations, judicial systems, health systems, and political systems.

The Expert has an almost two-decades-long track record of research and writing on human rights and politics in South Asia & Middle East. The expert regularly writes articles in different newspapers including the Daily Sun, the Daily Observer, the Daily New Nation, the Daily Prothom Alo, the Daily Manabzamin, the Dainik Bangla 71, the Daily Campus, and the Daily Amar Desh about his research & experience. 

The expert has the capacity and experience to give expert opinions about the following countries:

Bangladesh: Political Oppression, Conflict between Political Parties, Human Rights Violation, Honour Killings,  Religious minorities (Hindus, Christians, Atheists), blasphemy and apostasy, Islamic law, trafficking, Law and Order Implication, Religious Blindness, Hate Issues, and Intolerance to Religious Verses, Unemployment, Extra Judicial Killings, the Role of Police Force in Maintaining Law & Order, Border Firing, Economy and Market Crisis, Corruption in Financial Sectors, Drug Trafficking, and Causes for Leaving the Country by Young People, Oppression on Journalists and Human Rights activist, Vulnerable condition of women and children, HealthCare System, Mental Health Issues, Kidney Dialysis deficit, Rohingya refugee crisis, Citizenship laws, Dual Citizenship, Family law, Child Custody, Guardianship, Land dispute, Bangladeshi immigration laws and practices, Persecution of Biharis and Persecution of bloggers etc.

India: Experience of expert reports on legal issues concerning Law and Society in India, Child Custody, Civil and Criminal proceedings under Indian law, Mirror orders, Matrimonial proceedings, interpretation of statutes, Bigamy, single parent custody, property and asset valuation, Official and personal/customary laws of India, marriage, divorce, adoption, Abduction issues, domestic violence and dowry problems, healthcare system and mental health issues, honour killings, the status of religious/ethnic minorities, nationality law, the status of single and divorced women in India, caste system, laws applicable to Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs, etc.

Sri Lanka: The Expert is a specialist in human rights violation, religious and political persecution, domestic violation, torture against women, the conflict between Sri Lanka's government forces and armed Tamil rebels, national politics, economic crisis, refugee issues, healthcare system, and mental health issues, etc.

Pakistan: Religious extremism, Economic Crisis, and Financial Uncertainty among the Common People, Child Custody, Civil and Criminal proceedings under Pakistani law, Mirror orders, Matrimonial proceedings, interpretation of statutes, Bigamy, single parent custody, property, and asset valuation, Official and personal/customary laws of Pakistan, marriage, divorce, adoption, Abduction issues, domestic violence and dowry problems, honour killings, the status of religious/ethnic minorities, healthcare system and mental health issues, etc.

Nepal: Intolerance, Crisis of Nationalism & Hindutva, Arising Religious/ Communal Riot and Oppression for Cast, Race, Colour, and Religion, Religious extremism, Economic Crisis, and Financial Uncertainty among the Common People, Child Custody, Civil and Criminal proceedings under Nepali law, Mirror orders, Matrimonial proceedings, interpretation of statutes, Bigamy, single parent custody, property, and asset valuation, laws of marriage, divorce, adoption, Abduction issues, domestic violence, and dowry problems, the status of religious/ethnic minorities, healthcare system, and mental health issues, etc.

Afghanistan: The Expert's areas of expertise include tribal issues, gender-based violence, security issues, extremist groups and militias, human rights law and violations, the situation for minorities, trafficking, and the availability of medical services, honour killings, domestic violations, and political turmoil, economic crisis, healthcare system and mental health issues, drug business, education system,

Maldives: Specialist in religious & political oppression, human rights violation, expanding Communal Riot, right to freedom of speech, domestic violation, torture against women, national politics, and economic crisis, healthcare system and mental health issues, etc.

Myanmar: Specialist in religious & political oppression, human rights violation, expanding Communal Riot, right to freedom of speech, domestic violation, torture against women, national politics, and economic crisis. Political and Religious Oppression of the Rohingya ethnic group, political conflict between political parties, and the Army, the education and banking system, the social care issues, the healthcare system and mental health issues, etc.

Iran: Political conflict, Women in Iran; Honour killing, Healthcare & Mental healthcare system; Social media activism; Dual nationalities; Cross-border trade; Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan; The Baha'i faith; The Green Movement; The Komala Party, Media restrictions, Education system, Judicial system, etc.

Iraq: Post War-Iraq, Political conflict, Healthcare & Mental healthcare; The security situation Poor education system, The economic and political situation, Terrorism and ISIS in Iraq; the opposition in Iraq; Family feuds and eloping; Tribes and their political and economic power; Land dispute, Judiciary system, Honour Killing, Women in Iraq, Drug Business, Human Trafficking, etc

Palestinian Authority: Conflict and War, Political & Domestic conflict, Healthcare & Mental healthcare system, the security situation, Poor education system, the economic and political situation, Land dispute, Judiciary system, Honour Killing, Human Trafficking, etc.

United Kingdom:  The Expert has completed his LL. B. (Hon's), LL.M., from the University of East London, and Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) from City, University of London. At that time and after that time expert had the privilege to work as a foreign correspondent for a Leading Daily Newspaper.  He has written on various issues covering human rights, the criminal justice system, politics, education, refugee crisis, unlawful detention, asylum systems, the healthcare system, and mental health issues in the UK. Thus, the expert has knowledge, skills, and experience in various aspects of the UK including politics, media, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system.

Egypt: Political parties and conflict, social and cultural groups, Tribal issues: tribes, feuds, structures, Extremist and violent groups, Human rights violations, honour killings, Human trafficking, Economy and finance: oil, private and government sectors, Disadvantaged groups e.g. children, minorities, healthcare, and mental healthcare system, disabled, terminally ill, Different sects and faiths of Islam: Shiia, Sunni, Wahabism, and others, Availability of medical services, State structure, military and security services, Drug dealing and trafficking, Integration and multiculturalism, Extremism and related issues, terrorism, political prisoners, LGBT people, female social media influencers, and survivors of sexual violence, human rights under Sisi government, Extra-judicial killings, etc.

Kuwait : Gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, honour killings, LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, trafficking, criminal deportees, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, Healthcare and mental healthcare systems, Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/; Forced conscription; Journalist persecution; Land tenure disputes; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; Mental illness; Military/police service; Political persecution; Prison conditions; Religious discrimination or persecution; Government/state actor persecution; Sexual abuse/assault; Specialized medical services; Sufficiency of protection; Torture; Trafficking; Tribal discrimination or persecution; Political Power & Corruption, criminal justice system etc. 

Libya: Political parties and conflict, Tribalism, Sufism, Salafism, pre and post-Qaddafi politics, Immigration, gender-based violence, security issues, extremist groups and militias, human rights law, and violations, the situation for minorities, trafficking, and the availability of medical services, honour killings, Human trafficking, drug trade, Economy and finance: oil, private and government sectors, Disadvantaged groups e.g. children, minorities, healthcare, and mental healthcare system, disabled, terminally ill, Different sects and faiths of Islam: Shiia, Sunni, Wahabism and others, Availability of medical services, State structure, military and security services, Drug dealing and trafficking, Integration and multiculturalism, Extremism and related issues, terrorism, political prisoners, LGBT people, female social media influencers, and survivors of sexual violence, Criminal justice system and education, etc. 

Lebanon: Political situation and conflict, Tribal issues, gender-based violence, security issues, extremist groups and militias, human rights law and violations, the situation for minorities, trafficking, and the availability of medical services. gender-based violence, security issues, extremist groups and militias, human rights law, and violations, the situation for minorities, trafficking, and the availability of medical services, honor killings, Human trafficking, drug trade, Economy and finance: oil, private and government sectors, Disadvantaged groups e.g. children, minorities, healthcare, and mental healthcare system, disabled, terminally ill, Different sects and faiths of Islam: Shiia, Sunni, Wahabism, and others, Availability of medical services, State structure, military and security services, Drug dealing and trafficking, Integration and multiculturalism, Extremism and related issues, terrorism, political prisoners, LGBT people, female social media influencers, and survivors of sexual violence, Criminal justice system and education, etc. 

Sudan: Healthcare and mental healthcare systems, Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/; Forced conscription; Journalist persecution; Land tenure disputes; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; Mental illness; Military/police service; Political persecution; Prison conditions; Religious discrimination or persecution; Government/state actor persecution; Sexual abuse/assault; Specialized medical services; Sufficiency of protection; Torture; Trafficking; Tribal discrimination or persecution; Political Power & Corruption, criminal justice system , Gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, honour killings, LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, trafficking, criminal deportees, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, etc.

Saudi Arabia: Freedom of expression, Political persecution; Prison conditions; Religious discrimination or persecution; Government/state actor persecution; Journalist & human right activists persecution, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, honour killings, LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, trafficking, criminal deportees, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, Healthcare and mental healthcare systems, Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/; Forced conscription;; Land tenure disputes; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; Mental illness; Military/police service; Sexual abuse/assault; Specialized medical services; Sufficiency of protection; Torture; Trafficking; Tribal discrimination or persecution; Political Power & Corruption, criminal justice system , etc.

United Arab Emirates (UAE) : Gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, honour killings, LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, trafficking, criminal deportees, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, Freedom of expression, Political persecution; Prison conditions; Religious discrimination or persecution; Government/state actor persecution; Journalist & human right activists persecution, Healthcare and mental healthcare systems, Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/; Forced conscription;; Land tenure disputes; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; Mental illness; Military/police service; Sexual abuse/assault; Specialized medical services; Sufficiency of protection; Torture; Trafficking; Tribal discrimination or persecution; Political Power & Corruption, criminal justice system , etc.

Yemen : Religious discrimination or persecution; Government/state actor persecution; Journalist & human right activists persecution, Healthcare and mental healthcare systems, Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/; Forced conscription;; Land tenure disputes; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; Mental illness; Military/police service; Sexual abuse/assault; Specialized medical services; Sufficiency of protection; Torture; Trafficking; Tribal discrimination or persecution; Political Power & Corruption, criminal justice system , Gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, honour killings, LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, trafficking, criminal deportees, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, Freedom of expression, Political persecution; Prison conditions, etc.

Md Solaiman Tushar
Barrister-at-Law, Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Researcher, Journalist, and Columnist.

The Expert is a UK-educated Barrister, Researcher, Legal Affairs & Political Editor of The Daily Campus & former Court Reporter of the Daily Manabzamin, and Freelance Journalist based in Bangladesh. Besides the legal profession, the expert is regularly consulted by national and international media such as UK Kasba Tv, Channel 24, the New Nation, the Daily Sun, and The Daily campus. He has conducted research, advisory, and consultancy work in Bangladesh on the formal and informal criminal judiciary systems, freedom of speech and other constitutional and universal rights, violence against women and children, political corruption, extra-judicial killings, minority rights, and so on. The Expert is an expert in reproductive rights and justice,  gender, and customary law, marriage, divorce, inheritance, mediation, arbitration.

The Expert regularly provides reports on political issues, judicial system, LGBTQI issues; gender-based violence/domestic violence; child soldiers; forced marriage; human trafficking; child abuse; sexual abuse/assault; homelessness; ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution; forced conscription, principle of non-refoulment; ex-combatant reintegration; land issues; criminal deportees; health systems capacity; mental illness; HIV/AIDS; specialized medical services, risk of torture or political persecution; risk from state actors, the risk from non-state actors; risk of retaliation; sufficiency of protection; the possibility of safe internal relocation; healthcare access, honour killings, etc.


Several expert reports were produced in asylum and other immigration cases in the UK related to Bangladeshi, British-Bangladeshi, European-Bangladeshi, Canadian-Bangladeshi, and USA-Bangladeshi citizens. The reports broadly analysed the following:

  1. Freedom of speech
  2. Extra-judicial killings,
  3. Democratic dictatorship
  4. Electoral corruption
  5. Forced Marriage
  6. Sexual harassment and violence
  7. Political harassment
  8. Political and False cases
  9. The criminal justice system
  10. Violence and harassment against women and children
  11. Violence and harassment against minorities
  12. Political conflict
  13. Violence and harassment against third gender and LGBTQ community members
  14. Family law, child custody, and guardianship,
  15. Abuse of admiration powers
  16. Bangladeshi immigration systems,
  17. Enforced disappearance
  18. Extra-judicial killings by law enforcement authorities
  19. Rohingya refugee crisis
  20.  Injustice against poor workers
  21. Land related disputed

The Expert has also a strong network all over Bangladesh to confirm and verify any legal and other documents if necessary. Additionally, he is available and capable to give oral evidence before any courts and tribunals if necessary, to support his opinion. The expert has also own investigative methods to authenticate related legal and non-legal documents.



  • Solaiman, Md. , The Rohingyas : A Long History Of Genocide , 1st Edition, Dhaka, Karubak, 2023.
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Fleeing Love" 1st Edition, Dhaka: Karubak, 2024.
  • Solaiman, Md., The Epic Fall of Dictator Sheikh Hasina, 1st Edition, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (USA), November 2024.

Newspaper Articles:

  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Trial of deposed depost Hasina for Crimes against humanity' , The Daily New Nation, 19 September 2024, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman., " Palestine : A Land of Endless Blood " , The Daily New Nation,  30 October 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, " Rules to degrade women in Jagannath University? Daily Samakal, 03 October 2023, Opinion.
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Egypt : A new era of brutality", The Daily New Nation, 1st September 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Can the ICC "Prosecute" Putin? Daily Samakal, 23 March, 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "An impartial ICC needed to charge Putin" , The Daily New Nation, 28 March 2023, Opinion
  • Solaiman, Md, “Prosecute Myanmar’s Top Military Commanders and Suu Kyi”, The Daily Sun [ Dhaka], 14th December 2019, Post-Logue
  • Solaiman, Md, “Myanmar Must Ensure All Fundamental Rights of Rohingyas”, The Daily Sun [Dhaka], 25th December 2019, Post-Logue
  • Solaiman, Md, “Need for Covid-19 Vaccine, Constitutional Duty and Our Obligation”, The Daily New Nation [Dhaka], 08th June 2020, Editorial
  • Solaiman, Md, “Rape Crime And Stigma”, The Daily New Nation [Dhaka], 02nd October 2020, Editorial
  • Solaiman, Md, “Islamophobia Threat To Peaceful Coexistence”, The New Nation [Dhaka], 3rd November 2020, Editorial
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Complain about dividing crore money”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 07th April 2014, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “This is that so called RAB”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 21st May 2014, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “414 Teacher and Officer has been appointed illegally at Rokeya University”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 29th September 2013, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Model Theft of 465 crore taka at Model School Project”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 7th July 2014, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Fake university with British law degree”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 31st July 2011, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman “Bloody London again”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 5th June 2017, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Voters do not know the mother's name”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 1st June 2014, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Hostility of 20000 crore assets of Hussain Mulla”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 7th August 2013, Article
  • Sylhet International University Occupancy”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 28th September 2013, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Legal analysis of Khaleda Zia's treatment abroad”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 7th May 2021, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Fancy techniques of kit forgery cycle”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 19th April 2021, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “The landmark verdict of the High Court in protecting the environment”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 8th April 2021, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Gold worth crores of takas in a pressure cooker”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 11th May 2021, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Shake's shadow in the courtyard in one death after another”, The Daily Manabzamin [Dhaka], 13th April 2021, Article
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “The hungry stomach is not afraid of Corona”, The Daily Campus [Dhaka], 10th April 2021, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Dhaka University in terms of history”, The Daily Campus [Dhaka], 2nd July 2020, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, “Minority Rights Fight of An Indian Girl For Justice”, The New Nation, 16 February 2022, Opinion.
  • Ahmed, M Khaled & , Tushar, Solaiman, “Public Interest Litigation and Publicity in Media”, the Daily Observer, 05 October 2021, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "The plight of refugees and expectations for England's new Prime Minister", The Daily Campus, 30 October 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Will the new Prime Minister of England understand the suffering of refugees? ", The Daily Bangla 71, 31 October 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Will new UK PM reduce suffering of refugees?", The Daily New Nation, 01 November 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Mental health treatment deficiency in Bangladesh", The Daily New Nation, 09 December 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Fake case must stop and ensure Constitutional rights", The Daily New Nation, 25 December 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Fardin's death and lack of mental health treatment", The Daily Jugantor, 22 December 2022, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Rohingya genocide and the responsibility of the international community" , Daily Country Today, 17 February 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "We must not forget the helpless Rohingyas"  The Daily New Nation,  19 February 2023, Opinion
  • New Sanctions for Myanmar Warning for Bangladesh, The Daily Bangla 71, 4 February 2023, Opinion.
  • Prayer for Fair Election, Daily, 3 April 2023, Opinion.
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Weakness of laws in environmental protection, laxity in enforcement', Daily Prothom Alo, 05 June , 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Child 'rape' and the ambiguity of the law", Daily Prothom Alo, 03 June , 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Can Bangladesh deal with US sanctions? Daily Jugantor ,27 May 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, " Legal Remedies for Unlawful Detention", Daily Prothom Alo, 13 July 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, " A Divorce Story and Legal Explanation of Dower", Daily Prothom Alo, 21 June 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, " Legal interpretation of women's 'consent' in rape cases", Daily Prothom Alo, 14 June 2023, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Patient death due to medical malpractice and remedies" The Daily Bangla 71, 03 July 2023, Opinion.
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Egypt : Handcuff the Human Rights" The Daily  Country Today, 21 September 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman., "Dr. Younus is a lonely Sherpa, The Daily  Manabzamin, 06 September 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar. Solaiman., "What is happening with the election at home and abroad"?  , The Dhaka Mail, 02 September 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar. Solaiman., " 10 instructions to the police to arrest without a warrant" , The Dhaka Mail, 09 September 2023, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "How can the Israeli Prime Minister be arrested"?  The Daily New Nation, 29 May 2024 , Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman,  "Can the ICC arrest the Prime Minister of Israel"?  The Daily Bangla 71,  01st June 2024, Opinion
  • Tushar, Solaiman, . "Is Sheikh Hasina liable for  crimes against Humanity" , The Daily New Nation, 31 October  2024, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman,  "Why will Bangladesh file a case in ICC"? Kaler Kantho, 21 October 2024 , Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "India and Sheikh Hasina: A Faltering Alliance" The Daily New Nation, 04 December 2024, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman , " Political death of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu!" , Jonotar Chockh, 07 December 2024, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Are law enforcement agencies working for the fallen dictator?, The Daily New Nation, 03 February 2025, Opinion 
  • Tushar, Solaiman, "Are BNP-Jamaat activists being victims of targeted killings" ?, The Daily Country Today, 04 February 2025, Opinion.

TV Talkshow

English and Bengali
Ethnic groups expertise
All Bangladeshi ethnic groups
Political groups expertise
Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Bangladesh Awami League, Bangladesh Jamaat-e-islami, Jatiya Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Civil Society, Human Rights Defenders, Bangladesh Muslim League, Communist Party of Bangladesh, etc.
Religious groups expertise
Sunni Muslims, Shia Muslims, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Judaism.
Other social groups expertise
Social workers, Atheists, Bloggers.
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