Joshua Kurlantzick is Senior Fellow for South Asia and Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he studies South Asian and Southeast Asian politics and economics, with a particular focus on democracy, authoritarianism, human rights, and political transitions. Experienced country of origin expert for all nationals from Southeast Asia and China; specialist from one of the leading think-tanks in the world. Have provided expert witness reports for fifteen years for asylum cases in the UK, Europe, and US for nationals from across South, Southeast, and Northeast Asia – related to political issues, trafficking, slavery, gangs, religion, and many other issues. Also have provided expert witness reports for non-asylum immigration cases for nationals from South, Southeast, and Northeast Asia.
Joshua Kurlantzick is Senior Fellow for Southeast Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he studies Southeast Asian politics and economics, with a particular focus on democracy, authoritarianism, human rights, and political transitions. He studies rights in specific Asian nations, including Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, China, Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. He has done extensive research on rights conditions in all of these countries and also amassed extensive expertise on issues related to trafficking, loan sharking, criminal syndicates, and other related issues. He has written more than five hundred articles on topics including these Asian nations, and rights conditions in them, for a wide range of publications including The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Harper’s, Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic Monthly, The Washington Post Magazine, Rolling Stone, the London Review of Books, The Washington Monthly, The Washington Quarterly, GQ, and Foreign Policy, among others. He regularly blogs about democracy and rights in Asia on CFR ’s group blog, Asia Unbound ( . He also has authored chapters on countries across South and Southeast Asia in Freedom House’s Freedom in the World report.
Kurlantzick has worked as an expert witness in asylum cases for fifteen years for nationals from South and Southeast Asia, including nationals applying for asylum in ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND, The European Union and the United States. References can be provided of all the asylum lawyers he has worked with.
My list of recent publications is available at: