EIN members should note that we've now opened up the guest blog on EIN and we welcome your submissions.
If there's something you would like to say about immigration, asylum and refugee law, you are very welcome to say it on EIN.
And your post will be available to be read by the many hundreds of visitors we get every day on EIN, including a large percentage of immigration law professionals, ranging from NGO workers to senior Tribunal judges.
We've enabled it so that you can create and submit your own blog post here. We'll then need to approve and publish it before it appears on EIN. Or you can send your submissions to us at blog@ein.org.uk.
Articles should be your original work and while you may quote from elsewhere, please be aware of any copyright issues if you are copying large chunks of text from newspaper or news agency articles.
We appreciate that some Members may wish to post anonymously or under a pseudonym, so you are free to do so.
Inevitably, it may take some time for the guest blog to become established, but we hope it will provide a platform for EIN members to express their views and we hope it will provide a stimulating and interesting read for all visitors to the site.
Blogging is becoming increasingly popular, but the problem of attracting an audience remains, so, if you have something to say about immigration law and you've always fancied a go at blogging, but never knew where to publish...