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Inviting Tenancy Applications in Immigration

The Immigration Group at No5 Barristers Chambers has a long-standing reputation for excellence in advising, representation and developing the law, with our members appearing in the First-tier Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Our barristers are listed as leading advocates in the legal directories, and frequently appear in ground-breaking or newsworthy cases.

With offices in London, Birmingham and Bristol, we are able to service clients and solicitors nationwide.

Our members benefit from a competitive rent structure, and are supported by modern office-space, excellent IT and library facilities, and superb clerking.

Applications are currently invited from exceptional and energetic practitioners with ambitions to build Higher Court practices in Immigration, Asylum & Human Rights, Nationality and Immigration related Public Law.

Furthermore, we are looking for candidates of up to 7 years call with a strong commitment to carrying out legally-aided work in the First-tier and Upper Tribunals, and the ability to identify suitable cases for developing important points of law in the Higher Courts. Such individuals are likely to include barristers who have recently completed, or are about to complete pupilage in other public law or human rights sets, but have not obtained a tenancy there.

Please apply in confidence with a covering letter and CV to our Head of Recruitment (

Closing date:
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
Location of office:
London | Birmingham | Bristol
Contact email: