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Tara Rava Zolnikov

Dr. Tara Rava Zolnikov focuses on aspects of culture in a global health setting. Dr. Zolnikov earned a Ph.D in Developmental Science from North Dakota State University and an M.S. in Environmental Health from Harvard School of Public Health and a second M.S. in Industrial Hygiene from Montana Tech of the University of Montana and is currently studying her third MS degree in Sport Psychology at NorthCentral University and is expected to graduate in 2024. She also earned a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Montana Tech of the University of Montana.  She has been a professor of global health and environmental health for the last decade.  She also has chaired and been on committees in over 400 doctoral projects; to date, she has graduated over 150 PsyD’s under her guidance and tutelage. She was also recently accepted as a fellow of ultra elite The Explorer's Club.  Dr. Zolnikov’s research primarily focuses on global health issues in low and middle-income countries, including Kenya, Ghana, India, Colombia, and Brazil. She has worked with the Kenya Red Cross on a variety of public health projects, ranging from infectious diseases (E.g. Ebola and HIV/AIDS) to access to water projects. She is primarily a qualitative researcher and concentrates on providing vulnerable populations with a voice; she uses autoethnographic, ethnographic, and phenomenological perspectives to understand or live through these experiences in order to recreate them for a widespread audience.

Additionally, Dr. Zolnikov is the vice president of a nonprofit organization, Water 2 Schools, which focuses on providing access to water to Maasai communities around Narok, Kenya. She also has a consulting business at and works as a research consultant and doctoral project expert.  She has been a volunteer at Workplace Health Without Borders for over a decade. Dr. Zolnikov has published extensively in some of the world's most renowned public health and global health journals, including the American Journal of Public Health, AIDS and Behavior, Science of the Total Environment, and many more. She has also written and published two books, which focus on qualitative research and environmental health, and is currently writing her third book. Finally, she is the editor of Elsevier's Dialogues in Health journal.

Tara Rava Zolnikov

Caste discrimination or persecution, Climate-related issues, Disability, Ethnic discrimination or persecution, Female genital mutilation/circumcision/FGC, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, Healthcare access/health systems capacity, HIV/AIDS, Likelihood of destitution or homelessness, Mental illness, Religious discrimination or persecution, Sexual abuse/assault, Specialized medical services, Tribal discrimination or persecution, Violence against children/child abuse, Access to healthcare, water, sanitation, education, resources. Any and all environment-related issues (e.g., air, water, heavy metal contaminants, etc.).   All mental health issues.



I have been working in Kenya for the last 15 years. I started working with the Kenya Red Cross on a series of projects related to climate change; these projects dealt primarily with food insecurity and limited access to water.  My research and outreach with the Kenya Red Cross led to other projects which included working with HIV/AIDS communities and orphans. After, I continued my doctoral research with the Kenya Red Cross and focused on understanding implications of water interventions on communities.  Since that point, I also started a nonprofit called Water 2 Schools, where we get children in schools’ access to water.   We have helped over 20,000 people to date. I also started the TOMS project with the Kenya Red Cross to help eliminate or decrease jiggers infestations in children who don’t have school. Since then, I have worked with AMREF on projects that focus on female genital mutilation.  I have also conducted research on breast cancer in the largest referral hospital in all of East Africa, focusing on barriers to treatment. I have also worked in the informal mining industry to understand mercury exposure and gender related issues.  My time and breadth of research in Kenya is significant.  I have lived on the ground, in manyattas (mud huts) with no electricity or running water, spent time in Kibera with fellow slum dwellers, I have bestowed Maasai and Kamas named (Naserian and Mwende), and have spent time all over the country with various tribes.  I have a very significant understanding of historical and present days issues in the political context as well. I have brothers and sisters in the United Nations, WHO, and throughout the country in various leading authorities who have helped encourage and lead my deep dive into Kenya culture. I have published numerous research articles on Kenya and on these various issues; part of this research earned my acceptance as a fellow in The Explorers Club.  I feel comfortable with the following human rights issues: gender equality, right to a healthy environment, gender violence, environmental damage, indigenous rights, health, and women’s rights.   


I have been working with Brazilians on issues in Brazil for almost a decade. I started working with a group of professors at the University of Brasilia on occupational and health issues experienced by waste pickers. We focused on the informal industry of waste picking in open air dumps.  Since then, the dumps have been closed and we have worked very closely with the ministry of health, WEIGO, clinics, and universities to change occupational outcomes. We spend a lot of time in the favelas (slums) and recently brought the WHO out to the fields with us as well as documentaries to give rise to the issue.  We have published well over 15 peer reviewed research articles, started a branch in the Workplace Health Without Borders, and have included various areas of exploration including: social issues, vector borne disease and exposures, government and policy perspectives, water and sanitation, communicable disease, and sexual transmitted infections due to poverty and insecurity.  I have spent time in Brasilia and have worked in many areas of implementation and translation science, as we worked with officials from the Ministry of Health in Brazil. I feel comfortable with the following human rights issues: gender equality, right to a health environment, environmental damage, health, and women’s rights. 


Pedroso, K., Zolnikov, T. R., Cruvinel, V. R. N., Menegon, F. A., & de Castilhos Júnior, A. B. (2024). The global distribution of epidemiological studies involving waste pickers: A systematic review. Waste Management, 177, 95-105.

Zolnikov, T.R. Ezui, F., Furio, F., Chambers, D. & Clark, T. (2023). Understanding emerging adults perspective on mental health in Togo. Emerging Adulthood, 12(2), 214-223.

Mohajer, R. L., Dick, S., Salinas, N. D., & Zolnikov, T. R. (2024). To eat, or not to eat? A psychoanalytic view on the food‐parent. British Journal of Psychotherapy.

David, C. Zolnikov, T.R., Muenks, E. (2024). A Qualitative Study Understanding the Implications on Expectations of Death Versus Reality, IJFMR, 6(4), doi: 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i04.26070

Saunders, T., & Zolnikov, T. R. (2023). The Impact of Breast Cancer and Culture on Mental and Behavioral Health in the Cayman Islands: A Qualitative Study: Impact of BC and culture on mental health. Archives of Breast Cancer, 270-279.

Rodriguez, N. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2023). A systematic review on the physical, mental, and occupational effects of exercise on pregnant women. Dialogues in Health. 100181.

Lawson, R. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2023). Instrument-Breast: a Psychoanalytic View on Musicians’ Perception of Instrument. Music Therapy Perspectives.

Mohajer, R. L., & Zolnikov, T. R. (2023). The Psychoanalysis of Music Improvisation: A Phenomenological Qualitative Study. American Journal of Qualitative Research, 7(3), 160-171.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2023). “Look, it’s a dengue mosquito.” A qualitative study on open air dumpsites and vectors. Environmental Management and Research. 

Daniel, D. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2022). A qualitative study understanding experiences with aromatherapy and PTSD. American Journal of Qualitative Research.

Lawson, R. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2023). The Gospel according to Fairbairn: A discourse on the endopsychic personality structure. Free Associations: Culture and Psychoanalysis.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2023). Stop treating waste pickers like garbage: An autoethnography on informal waste picking. Journal of Global Health, 18(1). doi: 10.1080/17441692.2023.2201328

Zolnikov, T.R., Guerra, J., Ortega, C., Furio, F., & Clark, T. (2022). A qualitative study understanding immigrant Latinas, violence, and available mental health care. Dialogues in Health, 2, doi:

Lawson, R. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2022). The Psychoanalysis of Music Improvisation: a Phenomenological Qualitative Study. American Journal of Qualitative Research.

Dennis, J. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2022). Demystifying Male Emotional Development: Exploring the Implications of Forced Gender Roles on Black American Males. Journal of Black Psychology, 00957984231191868. 

Bellman, V., & Zolnikov, T. R. (2022). Understanding Patient–Provider Interaction, Treatment Acceptance, and Outcomes in Medically Unexplained Symptoms. Cureus, 14(12). doi: 10.7759/cureus.32915

Shoge, O. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2022). Reviewing the updated two-year recommendation for breastfeeding. Journal of Human Lactation. doi: 10.1177/08903344221132253

Rosa KD, Zolnikov TR, Leite TS, Caldas S, de Souza Filho A, Jacob RS, Mol MPG. (2022). Visceral Leishmaniasis and Disposal of Solid Waste in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Advances in Environmental and Engineering Research, 3(3): 028; doi:10.21926/aeer.2203028.

Mol, M. P. G., Zolnikov, T. R., Neves, A. C., Dos Santos, G. R., Tolentino, J. L. L., de Vasconcelos Barros, R. T., & Heller, L. (2022). Healthcare waste generation in hospitals per continent: a systematic review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.

Tang, Y. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). The phenomenon of international retirement migration: Examining the challenges of opportunities of retiring abroad. Journal of Retirement. 

Hartsell, M. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). Understanding attachment in homeless adolescents and emerging adults with pets.  Journal of Adolescent Health.

Yamada, S. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). The Cambodian Khmer Rouge child survivor and effective mental health treatments. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Beall, S., Zolnikov, T.R., Mace-Firebaugh, C. (2021). A systematic review on Category A Agents as Bioweapons. Health Security. 

Kirikian, C., Zolnikov, T.R., Afaq, H. (2021). The effects of enmeshment on Armenian mothers in America. doi: 10.1080/01926187.2021.1958268

Zolnikov, T.R., Hammel, M., Furio, F., Eggleston, B. (2021). A secondary analysis on dual diagnosis in homeless population. Advances in Dual Diagnosis. doi: 10.1108/ADD-09-2020-0019

Souza-Silva, Zolnikov, T.R., Ladeira, O. Cruvinel, V., Dias, S. (2021). Hepatitis B and C prevalence in waste pickers: A global meta-analysis. Journal of Public Health. doi: 0.1093/pubmed/fdab285

Clark, T. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). Understanding barriers to treatment in hoarding disorder. Academia Letters, 2598. doi:10.20935/AL2598.

Zolnikov, T.R., Garces, K., Masood, A., & King, R. (2021). A mixed methods study reviewing oral health treatment for Medicaid-eligible families in Florida. Dental Public Health. doi 10.1111/jphd.12460

Davenport, S. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). Understanding mental health outcomes related to compassion fatigue in parents of children diagnosed with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. doi: 10.1177/17446295211013600

Zolnikov, T.R., Pezeshkian, F., Rodriquez, P., Stoves-Tucker, L., Cruvinel, V., Pintas, C., Galato, D. (2021). A qualitative study on chronic noncommunicable diseases and waste pickers in Brazil. Journal of Heath and Pollution. 11(30), doi: 10.210603.

Zolnikov, T.R., Clark, T., & Zolnikov, T. (2021). The exacerbation of psychological disorders from Covid-19 response. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health.12,  doi: 10.21501327211016739

Zolnikov, T.R., Furio, F., Cruvinel, V., & Richards, J. (2021). A systematic review on informal waste picking: Occupational hazards and health outcomes. Waste Management, 126, 291-308. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2021.03.006

Mace Firebaugh, C., Zolnikov, T.R., Furio, F. (2021). Population levels of climate change fear in the United States. American Journal of Climate Change, 10(1). 

doi: 10.4236/ajcc.2021.101001

Patterson, H., Mace Firebaugh, C., Zolnikov, T.R., Morgan, S., Wardlow, R. (2021). A systematic review on the psychological effects of perfectionism and accompany treatment. Psychology.

Zolnikov, T.R., Bolter, K., Garces, K., McGuigan, K., & King, R. (2020). Enhancing public health preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities through the Florida Hurricane Response Hub. Climate Risk Management, 30. 

doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2020.100251

Santos, F., Zolnikov, T.R., Ribas, I., Casabona, J., Monteiro, E., Martins, E., Franca, D., Aruajo, W., & Cruvinel, V. (2020). Syphillis and other sexually transmitted infections among waste pickers in Brasilia, Brazil. Waste Management, 118, 122-130. 

doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.08.040

Zolnikov, T. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2020). A bottom-up approach addressing patient care and differential diagnosis amidst the COVID-19 response. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health, 11, 1-3. doi: 10.1177/2150132720959860

Zolnikov, T.R. & Furio, F. (2020). Social distancing and first responders during Covid-19. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, doi: 10.1080/10911359.2020.1811826

Morgan, S. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2020). Program leadership styles and student perceptions of competency in Marriage and Family Therapy programs. American Journal of Family Therapy. doi: 10.1080/01926187.2020.1813655

Zolnikov, T.R. & Furio, F. (2020). Stigma on first responders during Covid-19 pandemic. Stigma and Health. doi: 10.1037/sah0000270

Marques, C.P., Zolnikov, T.R., Noronha, J., Angulo-Tuesta, A., Bashashi, M., & Cruvinel, V. (2020). Social vulnerabilities of female waste pickers in Brasilia, Brazil. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health, 1-8. doi: 10.1080/19338244.2020.1787315

Pataca, L.C.M., Pedrosa, M.A.F., Zolnikov, T.R., & Mol, M. (2020). Water quality index and sanitary and socioeconomic indicators in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 192(7), 1-12. doi 10.1007/s10661-020-08425-9

Zolnikov, T.R. (2020). An experience I never want again: An autoethnography on infertility and mental health. Infertility and Sterility. Available…

Abdelazeem, W., Zolnikov, T.R., Mohammed, Z., & Samir, A, & Osman, K. (2020). Virulence, antimicrobial resistance and phylogenetic analysis of zoonotic walking pneumonia Mycoplasma arginni in the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedaries). Acta Tropica, 207. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105500 

Zolnikov, T.R., Ramos, H.M.P., Cruvinel, V.R.N., Bashash, M. Scott, J. (2020). Vector-borne diseases in waste pickers in Brasilia-Brazil. Waste Management. 105, 223-232. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.02.001

Osman, K., Zolnikov, T.R., Badr, J., Naim, H., Hanafy, M., Saad, A., & Elbehiry, A. (2020). Vancomycin and florfenicol resistant Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from human urine in an Egyptian urban-rural community. Acta Tropica, 201, doi: 10/1016/j.actatropica.2019.105209

Zolnikov, T.R. (2019). Effects of the government’s ban in Ghana on women in artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Resource Policy, 65(2020). 1-8. 

doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2019.101561

Zolnikov, T.R. & Chambers, D. (2019). Barriers to treatment for patients with breast cancer in Kenya. Lancet Oncology, 20, 1206-1207. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30535-2

Zolnikov, T.R., Blodgett-Salafia, B., & Jones, M.E. (2019). College student’s solutions to understanding and treating eating disorders.  Spotlight on Public Health Research, 1, 1-11. doi 10/35831/sor.pubh/082919trz

Cruvinel, V.R.N., Zolnikov, T.R., Bashash, M., Marques, C.P., Simoes, A.S.R., & Scott, J. (2019). Waterborne diseases in waste pickers of Structural, Brazil, the second largest open-air dumpsite in the world. Waste Management, 99. 71-78. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2019.08.035

Zolnikov, T.R., Ramos, H.M.P., Cruvinel, V.R.N., Guimaraes, A.D., Galato, D. (2019). Medical waste disposal in Brasilia, Brazil: A Qualitative study on adverse health outcomes of recyclable waste collectors. Journal of Environmental Health and Pollution, 9(23). 1-10. doi: 10.5696/2156-9614-9.23.190905

Zolnikov, T.R. (2019). Suicide and resilience in rural Montana. American Journal of Public Health, 109(9). doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305247

Zolnikov, T.R., Ramirez Ortiz, D., Raymond, J., Chambers, D., Brears, R., Cook, D. and Zolnikov, TR. (2019). A scoping review on global climate change adaptation and resilience. Spotlight on Climate Change Research, 1, 1-63.  doi: 10.35831/sorccr/26072019trz

Scarponi, C., Zolnikov, T.R., Mol, M. (2019). Are waste pickers at risk for hepatitis B and C infections because of poverty or environmental exposures? Journal of Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine, 52. doi:10.1590/0037-8682-0123-2019

Grammans, E. Zolnikov, T.R., Smet, E., Nguura, P.N., Leshore, L.C., ten Have, Steven. (2019). Lessons learned from implementing alternative rites in the fight against female genital mutilation/cutting. The Pan African Medical Journal, 32. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2019.32.59.17624

Zolnikov, T.R. (2019). Global health in action against a superbug. American Journal of Public Health, 109(4). doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.304980

Zolnikov, T.R., Costa de Silva, R., Tuesta, A.A., Marques, C.P., Cruvinel, V.R.N. (2018). Ineffective waste site closures in Brazil: A systematic review on continuing health conditions and occupational hazards of waste collectors. Waste Management, 80, 26-39. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.08.047

Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). New targets for behavior change in Ebola outbreaks: Ideas for future interventions. Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, 16, 79-85. doi: 10.4103/INTV.INTV_4_18

Raymond, J. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). AIDS-affected orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review on outcome differences in rural and urban environments. AIDS and Behavior, 22, 3429–3441. doi: 10.1007/s10461-018-2134-1

Hilson, G., Zolnikov, T.R., Ramirez Ortiz, D. (2018).   Formalizing gold mining under the Minamata Convention on mercury: Previewing the challenge in sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental Science and Policy, 85, 123-131. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2018.03.026

Zolnikov, T.R. & Ramirez Ortiz, D. (2018). A systematic review on mercury in artisanal gold mining. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 816-824. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.241

Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). Where your electronics go to die. American Journal of Public Health, 108(5), 582. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304394

Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). A humanitarian crisis: Lessons learned from Hurricane Irma. American Journal of Public Health, 108, 27-28.  doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304192.

Zolnikov, T.R. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2017). Changing tradition in the humanitarian sector: Kenya Red Cross challenging socioeconomic conditions through a novel business model approach. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-2. doi: 10.1017/dmp.2017.5

Zolnikov, T.R. (2017). My failed attempt to access small-scale gold miners. American Journal of Public Health, 107(4), 507-508. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303656

Zolnikov, T.R. & Blodgett-Salafia, B. (2017). Access to water provides economic relief through enhanced relationships in Kenya.   Journal of Public Health, 39(1), 1-6.    doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdw001

Ramirez Ortiz, D. & Zolnikov, T.R.  (2017). Effects of water interventions on HIV-related health and social outcomes: A qualitative case study in Kitui, Kenya.  AIDS and Behavior, 21(3), 803-811. doi: 10.1007/s10461-016-1334-9

Zolnikov, T.R. (2016). My walk to water. American Journal of Public Health, 106(4), 623-624. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2016.303066

Osman, K. M., Samir, A., Abo-Shama, U. H., Mohamed, E. H., Orabi, A., & Zolnikov, T.R. (2016). Determination of virulence and antibiotic resistance pattern of biofilm producing Listeria species isolated from retail raw milk. BMC microbiology, 16(1), 263.

Zolnikov, TR, Blodgett-Salafia, B. (2016). Improved relationships in Eastern Kenya from water interventions and access to water.   Health Psychology, 35(3), 273-280. 

doi: 10.1037/hea0000301

Zolnikov, T.R. (2015). Suggesting a re-adapted successful aging model addressing chronic diseases in low- and middle-income countries. Quality of Life Research, 24(12), 2945-2949. doi: 10.1007/s11136-015-1043-2.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2015). Understanding the social effects of water intervention implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A qualitative study in Kitui, Kenya. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest (3703442) 

Zolnikov, T.R. (2014). Understanding the social effects of water intervention implementation in the developing world: A qualitative study in Kitui, Kenya. [Abstract]. Annals of Global Health, 80(3), 233-234.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2014). Economic benefits of implemented water interventions in the developing world: A qualitative study in Kitui, Kenya. [Abstract.] Annals of Global Health, 80(3), 202.

Zolnikov, T.R. 2014. Understanding cultural experiences: A qualitative study of Kenyans in America. African Identities, 13(2), 144-156. 

doi: 10.1080/14725843.2014.881279

Osman, K.M., Marouf, S.H., Zolnikov, T.R., & Alatfeehy, N. (2013). Isolation and characterization of Salmonella enterica in day-old ducklings in Egypt. Pathogens and Global Health 108(1), 37-48. doi: 10.1179/2047773213Y.0000000118

Osman, K.M., Zolnikov, T.R., Samir, A., & Orabi, A. (2013). Prevalence and pathogenic capability of Listeria in goat and sheep milk confirm need of hygienic milking conditions.  Pathogens and Global Health, 108(1), 21- 29. doi: 10.1179/2047773213Y.0000000115

Osman, KM, Samir, A, Orabi, A., Zolnikov, T.R. (2013). Confirmed low prevalence of Listeria mastitis in she-camel milk delivers a safe, alternative milk for human consumption. Acta Tropica, 130(2014), 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2013.10.001

Zolnikov, T.R. (2013). Let’s talk about culture! Experiencing a disco funeral in Western Kenya. Journal of Public Health, 35(3), 1-2. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdt102

Zolnikov, T.R. (2012). The maladies of water and war: A realistic approach addressing poor water quality in Iraq. American Journal of Public Health, 103(6), 980-987. 

doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.301118

Zolnikov, T.R. (2012). Limitations in small artisanal gold mining addressed by educational components paired with alternative mining methods. Science of the Total Environment, 419, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.01.017

Hart, J, Ward, T, Spear, T, Zolnikov, TR. (2007). Evaluation of asbestos exposures during firewood harvesting simulations in Libby, MT, USA - Preliminary data. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 51, 717-23. doi: 10.1093/annhyg/mem05

Furio, F. K., Zolnikov, T. R., & Clark, T. (2023). Improving Social Equity and Community Health and Well-Being in Low-Income Suburbs and Regions. In The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures (pp. 900-904). Springer International Publishing.

Afaq, H. Zolnikov, T.R., & Chambers, D. (2022). Urban Heat Islands. In: R. Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Clark, T., Zolnikov, T.R., & Furio, F. (2022). Need for Nature Connectedness in Urban Youth for Environmental Sustainability. In: R. Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Clark, T. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). Wildlife corridors. In: R. Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Zolnikov, T.R., Clark, T., Furio, F. (2021). Need for greenspaces in an urban setting for child development. In: R. Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Clark, T. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2021). Improving Social Equity and Community Health and Well-Being in Low-Income Suburbs and Regions In: R. Brears (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan. 

Clark, T. & Zolnikov, T.R. (2020). The psychological effects of climate change. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilience Societies (Series Ed: Robert C. Brears). Geneva, Switzerland: Springer. 

Payoute, S., Zolnikov, T.R., King, R. (2020). Towards an integrated approach. In:  Animals, Health and Society: Health promotion, harm reduction and equity in a One Health world (Series Ed: Craig Stephen). 

Zolnikov, T.R. (2019). Global adaptation and resiliency to climate change. Geneva, Switzerland: Springer. In: Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies (Series Ed: Robert C. Brears). Geneva, Switzerland: Springer.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). Climate change: Water and sanitation, In: Climate Resilient Water Resources Management, edited by Robert Brears. Geneva, Switzerland: Springer. 

Zolnikov, T.R. (2018). Autoethnographies on the environment and human health. Geneva, Switzerland: Springer. Pp. 1-157.

Zolnikov, T.R. (2013). Gulf Encyclopedia for Sustainable Urbanism. 1st ed. Doha, Qatar: The Qatar Foundation, Mscheireb Properties.

English and Spanish
Ethnic groups expertise
All Kenya (inc most tribes), non-indigenous Brazil
Religious groups expertise
I am educated and partial on most religions.
Other social groups expertise
informal gold miners, waste pickers, e-waste pickers, low SES populations,
[Private to EIN members]
[Private to EIN members]