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Talia Mills

Dr. Talia Mills received her PhD from King's College London in Geography and Master of Science from the London School of Economics in Gender, Development and Globalization. Her research focuses on the multiple forms of gendered violence that intersect across the displacement process in Mexico and Central America. She publishes on topics related to such violence including the gendered dimensions of impunity in seeking asylum as well as migrant women's resistance to violence in Mexico. In addition, she is an experienced program and project evaluator with areas of expertise in sexual and reproductive health, gender & climate change, gender-based violence and refugee protection. She works and conducts research in Mexico where she has lived since 2016.   

Talia Mills

Deportees/criminal deportees, Ethnic discrimination or persecution, Gang-related violence/non-state actors, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, Healthcare access/health systems capacity, LGBTQ, Risk of retaliation, Safe internal relocation, Sexual abuse/assault, Trafficking, Violence against children/child abuse


I have worked on refugee and asylum issues for 10+ years in both the US and Mexico. I currently work as a consultant which includes freelancing as an expert witness, to date I have written 4 reports. My consulting work has also included research and writing related to asylum and refugee issues, including conducting research on how US immigration policies harm survivors of GBV at the US/Mexican border for Oxfam as well as with Fos Feminista related to the intersections of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Forced Migration. Additionally, I am  starting new research on the gendered violence of accessing safe abortions on the US/Mexico border.

Other social groups expertise
Adolescent girls; LGBTQI+
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