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Dr. Llokman Mirtezani

The Expert is a former Independent Contractor (political and media monitor/screener and translator) for the US Embassy in London. The Expert has held various roles in education and political monitoring, including serving as a Lecturer at the European College Dardania in Kosovo and working as an Independent Contractor for the US Embassy in London, showcasing his diverse professional experience in the field.

Dr. Llokman Mirtezani
The Expert is a Lecturer at the University for Business and Technology, Prishtina. The Expert holds a Ph.D. in European studies for integration (europeistics). PhD University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy, European studies for integration - Skopje, Macedonia.

The Expert is a lecturer at the European College Dardania, Prishtina. He has published on a host of topics pertinent to social and political administration in the Balkans region - including pressing topics such as human trafficking and other domestic and regional matters.


Lecturer at the European College Dardania, Prishtina, Kosovo; (2023)

Independent Contractor (political and media monitor/screener and translator) for the US Embassy in London ( 2017-2018).

Translator of English, Macedonian, Albanian - Straker Translations, Australia (2023 - Present)

Mentor for formative assessment Primary Education - Project-USAID, Macedonia (2010-2011)

Consultant, Trainer Education Modernization Project- Ministry of Education and Science, Macedonia (2009-2010)

Translator/Interpreter (consecutive) English-Macedonian-Albanian Education Modernization Project - Ministry of Education and Science, Macedonia (2006-2008)

Consultant, Trainer, Outreach officer. Education Modernization Project, Ministry of Education and Science, Macedonia (2005-2006)


1. “Trafficking in human beings” The case of the Western Balkans countries, Scientific Journal “Kriminalistik”, February 2023, link:

2. “Historical Background, Reforms of the Public Administration, and the European Integration of Kosovo”, Croatian and Comparative Public Administration Journal- Scopus, Web of Science, July 2022, link:

3. EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATION AS A PUBLIC GOOD, THE CASE OF KOSOVO; ECONOMIC VISION (journal) International Scientific Journal in Economics, Finance, Business, Marketing, Management and Tourism; October 2022 link:


5. “Liritë themelore të bashkimit evropian dhe internacionalizimi i biznesit” (Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Business Internationalization) “Juridica” journal, Prishtina, 2017, link:

6. “Hapësira Administrative Evropiane” (European Administrative Space), “Juridica” journal, Prishtina, 2016, link:

• Albanian - mother tongue
• Macedonian - mother tongue
• English - professional fluency
• Serbo-Croatian - professional fluency

Ethnic groups expertise
All ethnic groups in the Balkans region – including minority groups such as Roma, Ashkalia and migrant/asylum communities arriving/travelling through the region.
Political groups expertise
All political groups in the Balkans region.
Religious groups expertise
Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox.