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Daniel Goldstein

Daniel M. Goldstein is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University. He is the author or co-author of four ethnographies and numerous articles based on his research in Bolivia and the United States. His areas of interest include the anthropology of politics and law, security, violence, immigration, and urban life. Daniel retired from academia in 2018 to pursue a career as a novelist, but he remains involved in the study of Latin American political and social life.

Daniel Goldstein

Addiction/drugs/drug policy, Climate-related issues, Deportees/criminal deportees, Disability, Ethnic discrimination or persecution, Gang-related violence/non-state actors, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, Healthcare access/health systems capacity, Land tenure disputes, LGBTQ, Likelihood of destitution or homelessness, Mental illness, Military/police service, Political persecution, Prison conditions, Religious discrimination or persecution, Government/state actor persecution, Risk of retaliation, Safe internal relocation, Sexual abuse/assault, Specialized medical services, Sufficiency of protection, Torture, Trafficking, Violence against children/child abuse


I have served as an expert witness on several cases involving Bolivian nationals in the US, including preparing written reports and providing oral testimony in court.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

2017 (with C. Alonso-Bejarano) E-Terrify: Securitized Immigration and Biometric Surveillance in the

Workplace. Human Organization 76(1): 1-14.

2016 (with I. Jusionyte) In/visible–In/secure: Optics of Regulation and Control. Introduction to the

Special Issue. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology (special issue co-edited

with I. Jusionyte) 75: 3-13.

2015 Color-Coded Sovereignty and the Men in Black: Private Security in a Bolivian Marketplace.

Conflict and Society 1(1): 182-196.

2014 Laying the Body on the Line: Activist Anthropology and the Deportation of the Undocumented.

American Anthropologist 116(4): 839-842.

2010 Toward a Critical Anthropology of Security. Current Anthropology 51(4):487-517.

2010 Security and the Culture Expert: Dilemmas of an Engaged Anthropology. Political and Legal

Anthropology Review (PoLAR) 33(1): 126-42.

2009 Rights and Security: Contradictory or Complimentary? Anthropology Now 1(3):43-51.

2007 (with Gloria Achá, Eric Hinojosa and Theo Roncken) La Mano Dura and the Violence of Civil

Society in Bolivia. Social Analysis 51(2):43-63.

Reprinted in 2009 in Indigenous Peoples, Civil Society, and the Neo-liberal State in Latin

America. Edward F. Fischer, ed. Pp. 43-63. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.

2006 (with Fatimah Williams Castro) Creative Violence: How Marginal People Make News in Bolivia.

Journal of Latin American Anthropology 11(2):380-407.

2005 Flexible Justice: Neoliberal Violence and Self-Help Security in Bolivia. Critique of Anthropology


Reprinted in 2007 in Global Vigilantes: Perspectives on Justice and Violence. David Pratten and

Atreyee Sen, eds. Pp. 239-66. New York: Columbia University Press.

2005 Orphans of the State: Conceptualizing Citizenship, Space, and Kinship in Bolivian Municipal

Politics. Cultural Dynamics. 17(1):5-31.

2003 In Our Own Hands: Lynching, Justice, and the Law in Bolivia. American Ethnologist 30(1):22-


2003 The Customs of the Faithful: Evangelicals and the Politics of Catholic Fiesta in Bolivia. Journal

of Latin American Lore 21(2):179-200.

Reprinted in 2006 in Practicing Catholic: Ritual, Body, and Contestation in Catholic Faith. Bruce

T. Morrill, Joanna E. Ziegler, and Susan Rodgers, eds. Pp. 157-68. New York: Palgrave


2002 (with Jane H. Hill) Mock Spanish, Cultural Competence, and Complex Inference. Textus

14(2):243-61. Special issue edited by Dell H. Hymes and Giuseppina Cortese.

2002 Desconfianza and Problems of Representation in Urban Ethnography. Anthropological Quarterly


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2000 Names, Places, and Power: The Politics of Identity in the Miss Oruro Pageant, Cochabamba,

Bolivia. Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR) 23(1):1-24.

1998 Dancing on the Margins: Transforming Urban Marginality Through Popular Performance. City

and Society 4: 201-15.

1998 Performing National Culture in a Bolivian Migrant Community. Ethnology 37(2):117-32.

1991 Hermeneutics and Ethnography: An Interpretation of Two Texts. Arizona Anthropologist 7:21-


Book Chapters

2017 Aspiration: Hoping for a Public Policing. In Writing the World of Policing. Didier Fassin, ed.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

2016 Citizen Security and Human Security in Latin America. In Routledge Handbook of Latin

American Security Studies. David R. Mares and Arie M. Kacowicz, eds. Pp. 138-148. London:


2015 Anthropology/ies: Moving Beyond Disciplinary Approaches to Security. In Security: Dialogue

Across Disciplines. Philippe Bourbeau, ed. Pp. 45-61. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2013 Whose Vernacular? Translating Human Rights in Local Contexts. In Human Rights at the

Crossroads. Mark Goodale, ed. Pp. 111-121. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2010 (with Enrique Desmond Arias) Violent Pluralism: Understanding the New Democracies of Latin

America. In Violent Democracies in Latin America. Enrique Desmond Arias and Daniel M.

Goldstein, eds. Pp. 1-34. Durham: Duke University Press.

2007 Human Rights as Culprit, Human Rights as Victim: Rights and Security in the State of Exception.

In The Practice of Human Rights: Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local. Mark

Goodale and Sally Engle Merry, eds. Pp. 49-77. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2002 Fieldwork and the Observer’s Gaze: Teaching the Ups and Downs of Ethnographic Observation.

In Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Second Edition. P.C. Rice and D.W. McCurdy, eds. Pp.

104-9. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

2000 Potlatching Classroom Participation: Using “Prestige” and “Shame” to Encourage Student

Involvement. In Strategies in Teaching Anthropology. P.C. Rice and D.W. McCurdy, eds. Pp. 88-

92. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Reprinted in 2002 in Strategies in Teaching Anthropology, Second Edition. P.C. Rice and D.W.

McCurdy, eds. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

1992 (with T.R. Frankenberger) The Long and the Short of It: Relationships Between Coping

Strategies, Food Security, and Environmental Degradation. In Growing our Future: An Agenda

for Strengthening Food Security Through Environmental Conservation. T. Yamamor and K.

Smith, eds. Pp. 82-103. West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.

Book Reviews

2016 Review of A Century of Violence in a Red City: Popular Struggle, Counterinsurgency, and

Human Rights in Colombia (Lesley Gill, Duke University Pres, 2016). American Ethnologist

43(4): 773-774.

2016 Review of Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine (Catherine Besteman,

Duke University Press, 2016). Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR)

2016 Review of Rubble: The Afterlife of Destruction (Gastón R. Gordillo, Duke University Press,

2014). American Anthropologist 118 (1): 190-191.

2015 Review of Evo’s Bolivia: Continuity and Change (Linda C. Farthing and Benjamin H. Kohl,

University of Texas Press, 2014). The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American

History 72 (3): 496-97.

2015 Review of Cities from Scratch: Poverty and Informality in Urban Latin America (Brodwyn

Fischer, Bryan McCann, and Javier Auyero, eds.). Journal of Anthropological Research 71:139-


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2010 Review of Dignity and Defiance: Stories from Bolivia’s Challenge to Globalization (edited by

Jim Schultz and Melissa Crane Draper, University of California Press, 2008). Political and Legal

Anthropology Review (PoLAR) 33(1):181-183.

2008 Review of Now We Are Citizens: Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia (Nancy Grey

Postero, Stanford University Press, 2007). Journal of Anthropological Research 64(3): 454-55.

2005 Review of The School of the Americas: Military Training and Political Violence in the Americas

(Lesley Gill, Duke University Press, 2004). Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR)


2000 Review of Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History Among an Andean People

(T. Abercrombie, University of Wisconsin Press, 1998). American Anthropologist 102(3): 653-4.

Other Publications: Chapters, Columns and Reviews

2017 Activist Anthropology: A Conversation between Daniel M. Goldstein and Keisha-Khan Y. Perry.

American Anthropologist, Public Anthropologies webpage, March 27;… .

2016 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: View from Bolivia. Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in

Anthropology, October 17,

views-from-bolivia/ . Republished in Spanish on “La Curva del Diablo,”…

2016 Trump: A Bolivian’s Perspective. Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology, October 2, .

2016 Some Thoughts on the Critical Anthropology of Security. Etnofoor, In Conversation: Security, 28

(1): 147-152.

2016 Tools for Dismantling the Master’s House. Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology,

June 14,… .

2015 Real Writing. Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology, Writers’ Workshop series,

September 21, .

2014 Illegality: Provocation. Cultural Anthropology,

provocation .

2014 NSF Achievements: Immigrant Workers, Workplace Abuses, and US Law. Anthropology News,



2014 Ni aparente ni integral: el estado en Bolivia es una fantasma. Nueva Crónica 143 (mayo): 4-5.

2014 Qualitative Research in Dangerous Places: Becoming an “Ethnographer” of Violence and

Personal Safety. Social Science Research Council, Drugs, Security and Democracy Program,

DSD Working Papers on Research Security: no. 1.


2014 An Uncertain Anthropology: Acknowledging the Anthony Leeds Prize 2013. City and Society

26(1): 144-148.

2012 Decolonialising “Actually Existing Neoliberalism.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale.

20(3): 304-309.

2012 Securitized Immigration in a New Jersey Town. RSF Review: Research from the Russell Sage

Foundation. April 27.


2009 (with Guery Arteaga) Inseguridad en el Mercado “La Pampa:” Problemas y Posibilidades.

Cochabamba: Fundación Pro Justicia Bolivia.

2009 (with Guery Arteaga, Ruth Ordoñez, and Ethel Saavedra) Injusticia en las Calles: Los

Ambulantes del Mercado La Cancha. Cochabamba: Fundación Pro Justicia Bolivia.

2008 Response to the Human Rights Foundation: Don’t Mistake Lynching and Other Forms of

Vigilante Violence for Community Justice. Andean Information Network, January 28.

2007 Between Illegality and the Law in Bolivia. Anthropology News 48(5):51.

2005 Where Lynching Still Lives. Boston Globe, June 22: A15.

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2004 Commentary on Clifford Geertz’s “What Is a State If It Is Not a Sovereign?” Current

Anthropology. 45(5):587-88.

2004 Non-Western People and Global Capitalism. The Short List: The Most Influential Books.

Chronicle of Higher Education, October 22: B14.

2001 (with Mark Goodale) Law at the Margins: Legal Anthropology. Anthropology News 42(6):45-6.

2000 Culture and Politics of Coca and Cocaine: A Course Syllabus. Political and Legal Anthropology

Review (PoLAR) 23(2).

1996 (with R. Pérez) Historia de Villa “Sebastián Pagador.” El Pagador 1: 4. Cochabamba, Bolivia.

1991 (with T.R. Frankenberger) Coping Strategies of Small Farm Households. AFSRE Newsletter


1991 (with T.R. Frankenberger) Food Security, Coping Strategies and Environmental Degradation.

Arid Lands Newsletter 30:2 1-30.

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