Christian Reed is a Medical Anthropologist and Epidemiologist who specializes in sub-Saharan and East Africa. He has extensive research experience in Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zambia and speaks Portuguese, Swahili, Lunda-Ndembu, and Bemba. His single-authored book "Landscapes of Activism" pertains to pharmaceutical treatment access and HIV/AIDS activism with the matrilineal and Muslim tribes of northern Mozambique. He specializes in the social ramifications of infectious and communicable disease and rural and urban global health. Christian also studies religion with interests in traditional religion and healing, Pentecostalism, Catholicism, Santaria, Voodoo, and spirit possession.
Addiction/drugs/drug policy; Child soldiers; Disability; Ethnic discrimination or persecution; Ex-combatant reintegration; Female genital mutilation/circumcision/FGC; Gang-related violence/non-state actors; Gender-based violence/domestic violence; Healthcare access/health systems capacity; HIV/AIDS; Mental illness; Prison conditions; Religious discrimination or persecution; Specialized medical services; Tribal discrimination or persecution.
I have worked directly with refugees in Zambia and Tanzania. I have lived for more than one year in Mozambique and Zambia. I am familiar with select countries above (e.g. Angola, DRC, Malawi, Portugal, Tanzania) from fieldwork experience and/or speaking local languages (Portuguese, Lunda, Bemba, Nyanja/Chewa, Swahili). I have fieldwork experience and could write reports for Ghana, Ethiopia, Jamaica, Malawi, and South Africa.
2020 Ghana Malaria Indicator Survey 2019. Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) and ICF. Accra, Ghana, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: GSS and ICF.
2020 Full of My Love – growth, urbanism, and informal mass transit in Maputo, Mozambique, (edited book chapter) In “The Everyday Life of Urban Inequality: Ethnographic Case Studies of Global Cities”, Angela Story and Megan Sheehan, eds. Lexington Books.
2019 Ethiopia Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019 - Key Indicators (English).
2019 Mozambique Malaria Indicator Survey. Instituto Nacional de Saúde - INS e ICF. 2019. Inquérito Nacional sobre Indicadores de Malária em Moçambique 2018. Maputo, Moçambique. Rockville, Maryland, EUA: INS e ICF.…
2018 Landscapes of Activism: Civil Society, HIV and AIDS Care in Northern Mozambique. (Full length single-authored book) Part of the series “Medical Anthropology: Health, Inequality and Social Justice”, Rutgers University Press. (…).
2018 Health Systems Flattening: the failed promises of decentralization in Mozambique. Global Public Health, 13 (12) (
2016 Unmaking Activism: Practical and Political AIDS Patienthood in Northern Mozambique. PhD Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing (May).
2014 The Dis/Integration of Day Hospitals: Impacts of the Health Systems Strengthening Policy in Northern Mozambique. Medical Anthropology in Global Africa, University of Kansas Publications in Anthropology
2005 HIV Workplace Initiatives in South Africa and the United States. Master’s Thesis, University of South Florida, Tampa (May).…
2004 Workplace Initiatives in South Africa: A Case Study Approach. Conference proceedings from the University of Witwatersrand's HIV/AIDS in the Workplace Symposium in collaboration with the AIDS Law Project (July).