Prince Agwu is a Nigerian academic with a social work background. He specialises in social policy, focusing on migration, health, and education. He is a passionate researcher, with extensive expertise in qualitative and quantitative studies. His training came from Nigeria and the United Kingdom.
LGBTQI; child abuse; disability; sexual abuse/assault; gender-based violence/domestic violence; FGM/FGC; human trafficking; ex-combatant reintegration; criminal deportees; likelihood of destitution or homelessness; ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution; Torture/Risk of political persecution/Risk from state actors; risk from non-state actors; safe internal relocation; sufficiency of protection; healthcare access; health systems capacity; mental illness; HIV/AIDS; specialized medical services; Educational Assessment and general social policy and welfare concerns
multiple expert reports on country of origin conditions in Nigeria
Agwu, P., Emodi, N., & Okoye, U. (2021). Climate change and effects: A qualitative experience of selected older adults. In: Chaiechi, T. (eds). Effects of Natural Disasters. London: Academic Press
Olaore, A., & Agwu, P. (2020). Women in African marriages. In: Yacob-Haliso O., Falola T. (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of African Women's Studies. Palgrave Macmillan,
Cham. Okoye, U. O., & Agwu, P. C. (2019). Why the high figures of sex work migrants in Edo State, Nigeria? Considerations for social work practice. In International Association of Schools of Social Work (Eds). Human trafficking and modern day slavery (pp 56- 59). Social Dialogue, Issue 20. Retrieved from
Okoye, U., Chukwu, N., & Agwu, P. (Eds.). (2017). Social work in Nigeria: Book of readings. Enugu: University of Nigeria Press Ltd.
Over 50 expert reports.