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Heather Tucker

Anthropologist and qualitative researcher with over a decade of experience conducting research with vulnerable populations. Specializing in participatory, ethical, and mixed methods research with lesbian, bisexual, and queer (LBQ+) women and LGBTIQA+ groups; human rights; SOGI inclusion; intersectional data analysis; sexual and gender-based violence; sexual and reproductive health and rights; NGOs and community-based organizations; HIV/AIDS programming; and inclusive and diverse programming in development and nonprofit interventions.

Heather Tucker

LGBTQ, Child abuse, sexual abuse/assault, gender-based violence, forced marriage, FGC/FGM, human trafficking, Likelihood of destitution or homelessness, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, Torture/Risk of political persecution/Risk from state actors, Risk from non-state actors, Risk of retaliation, Safe internal relocation, Sufficiency of Protection, Healthcare Access/Health systems capacity, mental illness, HIV/AIDS programming and access, sex work and prostitution, refugees, kinship, gender.


I have worked in LGBTQI issues in Ghana and Uganda, and directly with refugees: 1) qualitative research with LGBTIQ refugees from the DRC in Kampala, Uganda 2) education with Burma and Iraq refugees in San Diego, CA.


Tucker, H. (Forthcoming) “Vulnerability as a Method with Sexual and Gender Minorities in Transnational Research” New Tools for Transnational Analysis in Intersectional Feminist Research. Routledge: Abingdon

Tucker, H. (2019) “Masculinities, technologies, and counterpublics in urban Accra,” Routledge Handbook of Queer African Studies. Routledge: Abingdon

Nilson, M. et al (2019) “The Challenge of Unlearning: A Study of Gender Norms and Masculinities in Liberia,” Selima Consulting and the Centre for Peace and Justice Studies. Commissioned by the Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia, Liberia

Tucker, H. (2017) “Why Should There be Spaces for Queer Women, Led by Queer Women?”

Bliss: blog of ISS on Global Development and Social Justice. International Institute of Social Sciences: The Hague…

King, R. (2016) “Planting Seeds: Funding Women’s Economic Empowerment, Abridged Report, 2016” Evaluation by Dr. Rudith S. King. African Women’s Development Fund: Accra…

Refugee Law Project (2012) Director and Producer. “Out of the Box”, A Refugee Law Project Film, 2012

Refugee Law Project (2012) Director and Producer. “Narratives of Change”, A Men Mobilizing Men Programme and Refugee Law Project Film, 2012

Ethnic groups expertise
Ga - Ghana
Political groups expertise
LGBTQI organisations
Religious groups expertise
Evangelical Christians
Other social groups expertise
LBQ+ women, refugees, sexworkers
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