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Sir John Thomas warns representatives who lodge "meritless" legal challenges against removals


Senior judge says late, meritless applications are an intolerable waste of public money, and those who fail to follow procedural requirements face referral to the SRA

Date of Publication:

Sir John Thomas, the third most senior judge in England and Wales, has warned that last minute meritless legal challenges against removals are an "intolerable waste of public money" and immigration lawyers who lodge such challenges will be name and shamed, the Daily Telegraph reported yesterday.

Sir John said: "These late, meritless applications by people who face removal or deportation are an intolerable waste of public money, a great strain on the resources of this court and an abuse of a service this court offers. The court therefore intends to take the most vigorous action against any legal representatives who fail to comply with its rules. If people persist in failing to follow the procedural requirements, they must realise that this court will not hesitate to refer those concerned to the Solicitors Regulation Authority."

Colin Yeo has also blogged about this on Free Movement (and you can read the blog post on EIN here).

You can read the judgment, Hamid, R (on the application of) v Secretary Of State For The Home Department [2012] EWHC 3070 (Admin), on EIN here.