Dr Zagud holds an intensive research experience on international public law, international human rights law, international relations and immigration law.
Dr Zagud takes instructions on all Arab cases from: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
He maintains his expertise in all legal matters related to Arab nationals including cases pertaining to asylum, immigration, family and crime. Dr Zagud writes expert reports on all legal matters as well as nationality matters, languages, blood feuds, honour killing, domestic violence, risk of return and Islamic law.
His expertise centres around the people with whom he shares cultural understanding, languages, religious beliefs, and numerous national characteristics.
Cases undertaken
The Expert has experience in providing Country of Origin reports and analyses, he also provides documents authentication reports on various legal proceedings for clients in the UK and internationally. he is mostly instructed in following cases:
- Arab legal and judicial systems.
- Socio-culture norms.
- Tribal dynamic.
- Blood Feuds
- Internal Relocation including Risk on return
- Disputed nationality cases and expert of distinguishing Arab accents and dialects.
- Education and legal document verification and authentication.
- Fact-finding matters conducted in Arab countries.
- Human Rights.
- Ethnic and religious minorities rights.
- Family law, forced marriages, Islamic marriages, divorce, alimony, custody of children.
- Domestic and gender-based violence including sexual assault, honour killing and rape cases.
- Language Assessment for Determining Origin
- Linguistic Reports (The expert is a DPSI and Community interpreting levels 1, 2, 3 examiner).
- Health and Social facilities and services
- Mental Health including PTSD
- Prison conditions assessment
- Documents translation matters.
Experience of giving evidence
- He has 7 years of practical experience as an interpreter and translator in the UK. This expertise aids interaction with Arab people at personal and professional level and helps him stay abreast of various matters through participant observation. Through interpreting expertise, he has become familiar with all types of cases from early stages to decision stage. Translation of documents has aided his knowledge and first-hand handling of all forms of documents from all Arab countries including documents from Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Sudan, …
- The assessment of cases of Arabs are closely tied to their understanding of Islam and Shari’a, issues he has addressed during his educational and research.
- He holds 15 years of research experience for the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Libya. This aids him in understanding all forms of matrimonial, divorce, alimony, dowry, inherence, women’s and children’s rights in marriage and in divorce cases.
- He lived and studied for his doctoral degree in Egypt which put him in contact with different nationalities. He is familiar with written and spoken Arabic as well as the Arabic dialects.
- In the UK, he has worked as a caseworker in asylum and immigration field. He has 18 months experience in this area of expertise.
- The combination of his doctoral qualification and 17 years of practical work experience with Libyans and Arabs as well as with various government organisations in the UK makes him the right expert to write on Arab cases. These skills and expertise create a synergy through his qualifications, work experience and membership of various professional associations.
- He takes instructions on all matters related to the Arab nationals in the UK and also internationally.
Dr Zagud is prompt and ready to take instructions on all services he offers as an expert witness. He is regularly instructed to provide expert evidence and ensures good turnaround times.
Specialist assessments offered
- Asylum and Refugee cases for Arab nationals of different countries.
- Authentication documents originating from countries of expertise
- Country reports on the indicated countries of expertise
- Minority groups, religious groups
- Political, social and cultural groups: LGBT
- Organized crime and mafia, state crime
- Extremist and violent groups, including religious groups
- Human rights violations
- Women issues: honor killing
- Human trafficking
- Psychiatry and prison conditions
- Disadvantaged groups e.g. children, minorities, mentally ill, disabled, terminally ill.
- Availability of medical services
- State structure, military and security services
- Drug dealing and trafficking.
- Nationality assessments,
- languages, Accents and Dialects.
- blood feuds, honour killing, domestic violence, risk of return.
- Asylum and immigration cases.
- Human rights cases.
- Islamic law Issues.
- PhD in General International Law
- M.A. in General International Law
- B.A. in Islamic Shari’a Law and Civil Law
- DPSI in Law
- Level 2, Advice, information and guidance.
- Level 2, Understanding the immigration law in the UK and becoming an advisor.
Professional Memberships:
- Full membership in NRPSI.
- Full membership in Egyptian international law association.
- Full membership and Co-founder of Libyan international law association.
- Full membership in Arab Board.
- Full membership in Arab center of Human Resources.
- Zagud, A. (2015). ‘Torture of Humans: An Analytical Study in the Frame of Islamic Sharia and International Law of Human Rights’. Riyadh: The Law and Economics Library, Al Riyadh, Saudi Kingdom.
- Zagud, A. (2014). ‘International Relations in the Light of New International System’. Amman: Dar Zahran for Publishing.
- Zagud, A. (2014b). ‘International Crises Management in the Light of New International System’. Amman: Dar Zahran for Publishing.
- Zagud, A. (2013). ‘The Way for National Reconciliation and Social Peace in Libya’. Amman: Dar Zahran for Publishing.
- Zagud, A. (2005). ‘Intellectuals: The Dialectic of Elite or Failure’. Beirut: Dar Al Farabi for Publishing