Dr David Seddon is a social scientist with more than 40 years experience in Africa and the Middle East, and Nepal, who has produced around 500 country expert witness reports
I am a social scientist who has lived and/or worked extensively in all of the countries named above, over a period of more than 50 years, first as a university researcher and more recently as a free lance consultant, employed or engaged by organisations including The World Bank, IFAD, DfID, DANIDA, USAID, Oxfam, Christian Aid, Danchurchaid, War on Want, Lutheran World Service/World Federation.
I have been producing expert witness reports since 1980 and must have produced more than 500 reports in all. I have attended Immigration Tribunals on numerous occasions and have been involved in several cases that have become Country Guidance (CG) cases.
I have published more than 10 books, dozens of reports and hundreds of articles in professional and more popular journals