I have studied, worked and lived in Kenya and Tanzania since 2008, with research consulting firms, think tanks and non-profits. This experience in policy research spaces lends itself to my teaching on health policy at LSHTM. I also worked as a research consultant for UZIKWASA, a civil society organisation in Pangani, Tanzania engaging communities in developing grassroots leadership capacity for GVP prevention. With a background in political theory, my main research focus at LSHTM is on community engagement in gender violence prevention and emergent disease outbreaks. I work closely with PAVE, a collaborative group studying the Politics and Anthropology of Violence & Epidemics.
LGBTQ, Child abuse, Sexual abuse/assault, gender-based violence/domestic violence, forced marriage, FGM/FGC, trafficking, likelihood of homelessness or destitution, Ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution, torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors, risk from non-state actors, risk of retaliation, safe internal relocation, sufficiency of protection, Healthcare Access/Health systems capacity, HIV/ AIDS
I have worked on GBV issues in East Africa for more than seven years, including violence against women, children and LGBT+ groups.
Lees, Shelley, Mark Marchant, and Nicola Desmond. "Addressing intimate partner violence using gender-transformative approaches at a community level in rural Tanzania: The UZIKWASA program." Journal of interpersonal violence 36, no. 13-14 (2021): NP7791-NP7812.
Lees, Shelley, Mark Marchant, Veronica Selestine, Gerry Mshana, Saidi Kapiga, and Sheila Harvey. "The transformative effects of a participatory social empowerment intervention in the MAISHA intimate partner violence trial in Tanzania." Culture, Health & Sexuality 23, no. 10 (2021): 1313-1328.
Enria, Luisa, Joseph S. Bangura, Hassan M. Kanu, Joseph A. Kalokoh, Alie D. Timbo, Mohamed Kamara, Maligie Fofanah et al. "Bringing the social into vaccination research: Community-led ethnography and trust-building in immunization programs in Sierra Leone." PloS one 16, no. 10 (2021): e0258252.