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Dr. Shir Ginzburg

Dr. Ginzburg is a practicing medical anthropologist and public health professional, with a focus on mental health and health equity research. She has published research on mental health, stigma, syndemics, chronic illness, obesity, food insecurity, environmental health, and community-based participatory research.

Dr. Shir Ginzburg
Research Fellow, University of Connecticut Health Center

Dr. Ginzburg is an expert in stigma; colonization; food insecurity; syndemics; CBPR; environmental justice; social activism; and migration. She is also able to testify on issues associated with LGBTQ, child abuse, sexual abuse/assault; gender-based violence; Likelihood of destitution or homelessness; risk to criminal deportees; likelihood of destitution or homelessness; land tenure dispute; ethnic, religious, or tribal discrimination or persecution; torture/risk of political persecution/risk from state actors; risk from non-state actors; risk of retaliation; safe internal relocation; sufficiency of protection; healthcare access/health systems capacity; mental Illness; HIV/ AIDS; and specialized medical services.


I have experience working with in-country migration policies (particularly as they relate to ethnic discrimination) and the ways in which colonization impacts the psychiatrization of refugees.  I work with intergroup discrimination as it pertains asylum and citizenship.


Shepard, R and Shir Lerman Ginzburg, eds. 2019 Gender and Health in Contemporary Latin America and the Caribbean. Lexington Press: Lanham, MD.

Shir Lerman, Bayla Ostrach, and Merrill Singer, eds. 2017 Foundations of BioSocial Health: Stigma and Illness Interactions. Lexington Press: Lanham, MD.

Ostrach B, Shir Lerman, and Merrill Singer, eds. 2017 Stigma Syndemics: New Directionsin BioSocial Health. Lexington Press: Lanham, MD.

Singer M, Nicola Bulled, Bayla Ostrach, and Shir Lerman Ginzburg. 2021. Syndemics: ACross-Disciplinary Approach to Complex Epidemic Events Like COVID-19. Annual Reviews of Anthropology, 51: 41-58. DOI:

Sprague Martínez L, Shir Lerman Ginzburg, and Sharon Ron. 2021. How Political History Shapes Environmental Health Action. Public Health Post. 24 th September 2021.

Shir Lerman Ginzburg. 2021. Can Anthropology Help Heal Puerto Rico’s Diabetes Crisis? Sapiens. 7 th September 2021.

Shir Lerman Ginzburg. 2021. Colonial Comida: The Colonization of Food Security invPuerto Rico. Food, Culture, & Society. DOI:

Shir Lerman Ginzburg, Stephenie Lemon, Eric Romo, and Milagros Rosal. 2021. “Social Support and Strain and Emotional Distress among Latinos in the Northeastern United States.” BMC Psychology, 9:40. DOI:

Ron S, Noelle Dimitri, Shir Lerman Ginzburg, Ellin Reisner, Pilar Botana Martínez, WigZamore, Ben Echevarría, Doug Brugge, and Linda Sprague Martínez. 2021. “Health Lens Analysis: A Strategy to Engage Community in Environmental Health Research in Action”.  Sustainability, 13(4): 1748. DOI:

8. Shir Lerman Ginzburg. 2021. Book Review of “Environmental Justice”, by Julie Sze.World Medical and Health Policy, 13(1): 159-162. DOI:

Shir Lerman Ginzburg, Stephenie Lemon, and Milagros Rosal. 2020. “Ataque de Nervios in Neighborhood Settings.” Transcultural Psychiatry. DOI:

Shir Lerman Ginzburg. 2020. “Sweetened Syndemics: Obesity and Diabetes Syndemics in Puerto Rico.” Journal of Public Health. DOI:

Shir Lerman. 2019. ¿Qué sistema de salud? The Affordable Care Act and the Broken Healthcare System in Puerto Rico. Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness, 38(3): 210-223. DOI:

Shir Lerman. 2018. Syndemogenesis of Depression: New Directions in Syndemics

Research. Medical Anthropology Theory, 5(4): 56-85. DOI:

Shir Lerman, Molly Jung, Elva M. Arredondo, Janice M. Barnhart, Jianwen Cai, Sheila F. Castaneda, Martha L. Daviglus, Rebeca A. Espinoza, Aida L. Giachello, Kristine M. Molina,Krista Perreira, Hugo Salgado, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, and Robert C. Kaplan. 2018. “Religiosity prevalence and its association with depression and anxiety symptoms among Hispanic/Latino adults.” PLoS One. DOI:

Yang EH.; Shir Lerman, Robert D. Simari, Lilach O. Lerman, and Amir Lerman. 2007“Relation of depression to coronary endothelial function.” American Journal of Cardiology,

99(8): 1134-1136.

Spanish, Hebrew, russian
Religious groups expertise
Judaism, Islam
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