Jelke Boesten is an interdisciplinary social scientist trained as a historian. She has 25 years of research experience in Peru, focusing on gender-based violence, women and the state/state policy, conflict-related sexual violence, and the internal armed conflict of the 1980s and 1990s.
Child soldiers, Coercive population control, Ex-combatant reintegration, Forced conscription, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, Sexual abuse/assault
15 expert witness statements since 2010, all on cases of violence against women of Peruvian origin, all for US asylum/immigration courts.
2024. with Lurgio Gavilán. ‘Debris. Autoethnography, feminist epistemology, ethics, and sexual
violence. International Feminist Journal of Politics. Vol 26 (3), pp523-543.
2023. with Lurgio Gavilán. ‘Military intimacies: Peruvian veterans and narratives about sex and violence’. Latin American Research Review. Vol 58 (4), 762-778.
Translation for the Peruvian Academic Journal Apuntes is forthcoming in October 2024.
2023. with Lurgio Gavilán, Perros y promos: Memoria, violencia y afecto en el Perú posconflicto, Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
2022. WRV Collective, Women Resisting Violence: Voices and Experiences from Latin America, London: Latin America Bureau.
2021, Jelke Boesten & Helen Scanlon eds., Gender, Transitional Justice and Memorial Arts: Global Perspectives on Commemoration and Mobilization, Routledge Transitional Justice Series.
2014. Sexual Violence During War and Peace. Gender, Power and Post-Conflict Justice in Peru, New York, Palgrave Studies of the Americas.
In translation: 2016. Violencia sexual durante guerra y paz. Género, poder y justicia posconflicto. Lima, Bibliotéca Nacional del Perú.
2012. ‘The State and Violence Against Women in Peru: Intersecting Inequalities and Patriarchal Rule’, Special Issue Gender and Social Policy, Social Politics, edited by Maxine Molyneux and Jasmine Gideon, vol 19 (3), 361-382.
2010. Intersecting Inequalities: Women and Social Policy in Peru. Penn State University Press.
In translation: 2018. Desigualdades entrecruzadas. Mujeres y politicas sociales en el Perú. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
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