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Isaac Andakian

Goal-focused, strategic planner, and passionate leader with extensive experience implementing effective, global strategies to stabilize communities through capacity building, promoting human rights and democratization, and amplifying the value of communication. Skilled in collaborating with all members of the organization to build bridges across ideological divides, trusted to tailor language, tone, style, and format to match the audience. Passionate educator with two years’ experience as a High School Principal. Proactively pursues the development and execution of ethical leadership, personnel management, and clear research/discovery goals with comprehensive plans delivering measurable impact to in-house operations. 

An accomplished expert in Lebanese, Levantine, and MENA law, politics, and culture, Dr. Isaac Andakian brings extensive experience and a proven track record in political advisory roles. From 2001 to 2009, Dr. Andakian served as a trusted senior political adviser to two members of the Lebanese Parliament and a minister in the Lebanese cabinet. Over nine years, he counseled the Armenian Orthodox Community Court of Lebanon and the Municipality of the City of Anjar, Lebanon, from 2003 to 2012.

During Dr. Andakian’s tenure as an Arabic Litigation Attorney, translator, interpreter, and Arabic/Islamic cultural adviser, he played pivotal roles in two landmark Middle Eastern financial cases involving multi-billion-dollar international bankruptcy, fraud, and insolvency proceedings conducted in the Cayman Islands. Specifically, he contributed to the AHAB v Saad Group case and the Abraaj Holdings case, showcasing his expertise and proficiency in navigating complex legal and financial landscapes. Presently, Dr. Andakian holds the positions of Program Director of the Caucasus and the Middle East at Trends Global NGO and Contract Attorney at Epiq Global.

Dr. Isaac Andakian’s academic journey is marked by a Ph.D. in International Conflict Management from KSU, a master’s degree in political science from the University of Manchester – UK, a master’s degree in human rights and democratization from the University of Malta and the University of London (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies), and a Juris Doctor degree from the Lebanese University.

A prolific author, Dr. Andakian has published numerous academic articles, book chapters, and newspaper articles, further solidifying his standing as a thought leader in his field. Additionally, Dr. Andakian, a sought-after commentator and analyst, regularly contributing insights on political and conflict matters as a permanent guest on esteemed Arabic television networks. These include Al Jazeera TV, Al Arabiya TV, Al Hadath TV, Russian TV, Asharq TV, France 24 TV, Al Arabi TV, Al Ghad TV, Al Qahera TV, Al Aan TV, Al Mayadeen TV, Al Yaum TV, and Al Mashhad TV, where he has participated in over 150 TV interviews and talk shows. 

Isaac Andakian

Caste discrimination or persecution, Child soldiers, Coercive population control, Deportees/criminal deportees, Disability, Ethnic discrimination or persecution, Ex-combatant reintegration, Forced conscription, Forced marriage, Gang-related violence/non-state actors, Gender-based violence/domestic violence, Journalist persecution, Land tenure disputes, LGBTQ, Likelihood of destitution or homelessness, Military/police service, Political persecution, Prison conditions, Religious discrimination or persecution, Government/state actor persecution, Risk of retaliation, Safe internal relocation, Sexual abuse/assault, Sufficiency of protection, Torture, Trafficking, Tribal discrimination or persecution, Violence against children/child abuse


1-           Books

Andakian, I. E. (forthcoming in Dec 2024). Lebanon’s Year of Crisis (2019-2020): Unity in Adversity. Lexington Books.

2-           Peer-reviewed academic publications

•             Andakian, I. E. (work in progress). The Politics of Fear in Lebanon: Post-2019 Uprising Perceptions of Civil War, Optimism, and Pessimism

•             Andakian, I. E. (2022). A Critique of the Implementation of the Lebanese Electoral Law Number 44/2017 in Zahle Electoral District. In: Saad G. (Ed.). The Legislative Elections in Lebanon: A Philosophical Approach and Its Implications on the Regional States and Regimes (pp. 303-311). Beirut: HADIAS. 

•             Andakian, I. E. (2020). E.U. enlargement, conditionality, and the protection of Christian minorities in Turkey. Kyiv-Mohyla Law and Politics Journal, (6), 45-72. doi:10.18523/kmlpj220759.2020-6.45-72.

•             Andakian, I. E. (2012). The Security Council and Article 39 of the UN Charter. Lebanese Army National Defense Magazine, Issue 81 (July 2012): 1-24.….

3-           Non-peer-reviewed published articles

•             I wrote many articles in Arabic language and published them in various Lebanese national and local newspapers such as "Al-Diyar," "Al-Mustaqbal," "Al-Balad," "Al-Asser," and "Bekaa News." I Wrote around 35 articles covering various topics, such as academics, youths, minorities, constitutional, political, and legal issues, human rights, and social topics in Lebanon and the MENA region. Additionally, I wrote the following articles: 

•             Andakian, I. E. (2024, April 24).  الأرمن بين العروبة والإسلام.. والقومية اللبنانية: ما لهم وما عليهم. Armenians between Arabism and Islam...and Lebanese nationalism. Published in Al Joumhouria daily Newspaper. Accessible at: 

•             Andakian, I. E. (2024, March 16).  البُعد اللبناني لسياسة الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية الدولية- 2023. The Lebanese Dimension of USAID Policy – 2023. Published in Al Joumhouria daily Newspaper. Accessible at: 

•             Andakian, I. E. (2024, January 10). اللبنانيّون من أصلٍ أرمني بين الملّة والرعيّة. The Lebanese of Armenian Origin: Between the Millet and the Parish. Published in Al Joumhouria daily Newspaper. Accessible at: 

•             Andakian I. (2022, September 14).  الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا بدأ بإنهاء حرب آرتساخ (كاراباخ)  العام 2020.. وأرمينيا مسيّرة لا مخيّرة. Retrieved from 

•             Andakian I. (2021). The U.N.'s IIIM and international crimes in Syria. Journal of the Lebanese Association for the Philosophy of Law, Issue 4, October 2021, p. 23-25. 

•             An Interview with “Jamanak” Armenian Newspaper about the Azeri-Turkish war on Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) commemorating the first-year memory of the war. The interview was published on the front page on September 29, 2021, accessible at 

•             Andakian, I. (2020).“قراءة هادئة لمعاهدة الدفاع المشتركة بين روسيا وأرمينيا في ضوء الحرب الأخيرة على أرتساخ” A calm reading of the Russia-Armenia Joint Defense Treaty in light of the recent war on Artsakh published on Khabar Armani website November 30, 2020. 

•             Ph.D. student, Isaac Andakian, interviewed by Russian TV. Article prepared, summarized, and published by Isaac Andakian and Nicole Connelly on Kennesaw State University’s news website:…  

•             “الفشل العسكري الأذربيجاني التركي في الإعتداء على أرتساخ وأرمينيا” The Azerbaijani-Turkish military failure in the assault on Artsakh published on Sky News Arabic website October 19, 2020, at 20:40 Abu Dhabi Time.

•             An Interview with “Jamanak" Armenian Newspaper about U.S. foreign policy and presidential elections in light of Covid-19. Interview published on the front page on May 18, 2020, accessible at 

•             "قراءة في السياسة الخارجية الأميركية تجاه الشرق الأوسط" – “American Foreign Policy towards the Middle East” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Bekaa News end of year Issue – December 2017.تحقيقات/441-السياسة-الخارجية-الأميركية-تجاه-الشرق-الأوسط 

•             المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ومدى إحترام حقوق الإنسان – “The International Criminal Court and The Extent of Respecting Human Rights” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Bekaa News end of year Issue number 97 – December 2009.

•             رسالة مفتوحة إلى الصديق الزميل معالي وزير البيئة محمّد ناجي رحّال – “An Open Letter to His Excellency,  Friend, And Colleague, Minister of Environment, Mr. Mohammad Naji Rahal” -published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper- Issue number 94 – 16 November 2009.

•             خطأ مهندسو الحكومة بحق زحلة – “The Mistake of the Cabinet’s Key Players Against Zahle” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1348 – 9 November 2009.

•             يوم الكتلة الشعبية في بعلبك – “Popular Bloc’s Day in Baalbak” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1345 – 8 October 2009.

•             معايير التوزير في حكومة الحريري – “Ministers’ Appointment Criteria in Hariri’s Cabinet” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1343 – 10 September 2009.

•             النيابة مسؤولية أم شهوة؟  - “Parliament Membership: Responsibility or Lust?” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1333 – 7 May 2009.

•             شركات الأمن الخاصة: ظاهرة عربية ولبنانية مقلقة – “Private Security Companies: Arabic and Lebanese Worrying Phenomenon” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1313 – 7 August 2008. 

•             حكومة الوحدة أم وحدة الحكومة؟ وأخيرا ً أصبح للبنان حكومة – “Unity Government or The Government’s Unity? Finally Lebanon has a Government” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper- Issue number 65 – 19 July 2008.

•             لبنان يعود إلى رشده السياسي  - “Lebanon is Back to its Political Senses” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1308 – 29 May 2008.

•             الأعياد اللبنانية المضرجة بدماء الشهداء – “Lebanese Holidays Stained With The Blood of Martyrs” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Bekaa News end of year Issue number 56 – December 2007.

•             بين جلسة إنتخاب الرئيس وتأجيلها - “Between Holding a Parliamentary Session to Elect a President and its Postponement” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1294 – 1 November 2007.

•             حل الأزمة السياسية الراهنة يكمن في الحوار الوطني  - “The Resolution of the Current Political Crisis Lies in National Dialogue” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1276 – 22 February 2007.

•             تركيا: بين العقوبة الفرنسية والترحيب اللبناني - "Turkey: Between French Punishment and Lebanese Welcoming” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1267 – 22 October  2006.

•             المكان الأنسب للحوار الوطني  - “The Appropriate Place for National Dialogue” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1250 – 2 February 2006.

•             الجدرانية الرسومات مدينة زحلة - "Zahle: The Mosaic Mural City” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1248 – 22 January 2006.

•             مناهج التعليم العام بين الواقع والمرتجى  - “General Education Curricula Between Reality and Expectations” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Bekaa News end of year Issue  – December 2005.

•             المواطن اللبناني بين مطرقة القاضي وسندان الوضع المعيشي – “The Lebanese Citizen: Between Judge’s Gavel and the Anvil of the Living Condition” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1246 – 1 December 2005.

•             تركيا وحلم الإتحاد الأوروبي  - “Turkey and the E.U. Dream” published in Al-Balad national newspaper – Issue number 640 – 14 October 2005.

•             رياح التغيير هبّت  - “The Wind of Change Has Blown” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1243 – 21 October 2005.

•             ما بين السياسة والقانون - “Between Politics and Law” published in Al-Balad national newspaper – September 6, 2005.

•             ما بين السياسة والقانون - “Between Politics and Law” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1239 – 25 August 2005.

•             التشكيلة الحكومية والتمثيل الحقيقي  - “Appointment of the Cabinet and the True Representation” published in Al-Asser biweekly newspaper – issue number 1237 – 25 July 2005.

•             التشكيلة الحكومية والتمثيل الحقيقي - "Appointment of the Cabinet and the True Representation” published in Al-Balad national newspaper – issue number 557 – 23 July 2005.

•             خريجو الجامعات وفرص العمل في لبنان – “University Graduates and the Job Market in Lebanon” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Issue number 16 – June 2005.

•             طلابنا والإستحقاق الأكاديمي  - “Our Students and the Academic Merit” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Issue number 15 – June 2005.

•             عيد الأم وصحوة الضمير  - “Mother’s Day and the Awakening of the Conscience” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Issue number 13 – May 2005.

•             طلابنا وآفة البرامج الترفيهية - “Our students and the Scourge of Entertainment Programs” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Issue number 8 – March 2005.

•             الشباب والحياة العامة – “Youth and Public Life” published in Bekaa News biweekly newspaper – Issue number 7 – February 2005.

•             حقوق الأرمن - "Armenians’ Rights” published in Al-Mustaqbal national newspaper – issue number 1732 – 25 October 2004.

•             المجازر الأرمنية والقضية الفلسطينية -"Armenian Genocide and the Palestinian Cause” published in Addiyar national newspaper on April 26 2002. 

English, Arabic, an Armenian: Fluent. French: conversational.
Ethnic groups expertise
Arabs, Maronites, Syriacs, Kurds, Armenians, Druze, Assyrians, Alewites, Chaldeans, Bedouins, Palestinians, and Turkmen
Political groups expertise
All Lebanese and Levantine Political Parties. Ba'ath, Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party-Ramgavar, HAmas, Fatah, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
Religious groups expertise
Christians and Muslims. As for the relevant sectarian groups for each of the Christian and Muslim religions: five Muslim groups (Shia, Sunni, Druze, Alawite, and Ismaili), 12 Christian groups (Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Syriac Catholic, Assyrian, Chaldean, Copt, evangelical Protestant, and Roman Catholic)
Other social groups expertise
Women, youth, children, elderly, and LGBTQ+
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[Private to EIN members]