Master the challenges of UK long residence applications with our comprehensive live online course.
Get direct insights from expert barrister Sandra Akinbolu , who brings extensive Tribunal experience to address recent shifts in long residence applications. Sandra will examine critical developments, including the transition from the pre-April 2024 requirement of 548 days maximum absence to the new 180-day rolling period rule, and clarify the complex treatment of historic overstaying periods, particularly for cases before November 2016.
This practical course breaks down the settlement process, covering everything from UK long residence application forms to permanent residence timelines.
Whether you’re managing applications for 10-year or 20-year long residence routes, our expert-led training ensures you’re equipped with the latest knowledge.
Course Coverage
– Overview of the current UK long residence application requirements as per the latest Immigration Rules and UKVI Caseworker Guidance
– Essential requirements on settling in the UK through long residence
-Home Office Policy Guidance: Assessing qualifying periods, managing permitted absences, and navigating overstaying provisions
– Practical insights and expert tips for successful applications
– Q&A
Join us for this essential live online training course and enhance your expertise in securing successful outcomes for your clients.
CPD Covered.
To book, visit here:
For good training practice we are limiting the number of attendees, so please book your place as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: Updates made by the OISC and SRA both are applying a strict approach on all immigration practitioners being fully aware of the latest developments and record these through their CPD activity.